Warning: Card Care


5.00 star(s)
I know most of you probably know this, but i've stumbled across this issue.

I have "inherited" (for lack of a better term) a lot of cards. a lot of them are not worth much. Most are from the 1990-2000 range. The guy would just buy packs and throw them in boxes unorganized, etc. So the most recent issue is I was organizing 1991 Classic Four Sport draft picks. There's probably 400+ cards. The way these cards were created is there is a glossy front and a glossy back. As a result of these cards sitting in a box for 31 years the gloss of the front one card is sticking to the gloss of the back of the next. No matter how careful I am in trying to separate the cards, part of the front peels or transfers to the back of the next. Essentially all of these cards are garbage now.

I ran into this problem when I bought a box of 1994 bowman's best baseball. The chromium cards would stick together and as I opened the packs I had to separate the cards and some of the cards were damaged due to the sticking. I also ran into this probelm with some Leaf Premium football that I had, these were HIGH QUALITY and very expensive and I set them in a box, a complete set. I took them out once and they all stuck together and as I tried to separate them the card front transferred to the card back of the other card. It seems like an issue of glossy or chromium type cards.

As a result of the 1994 Bowman's Best box I bought I now penny sleeve every single card I get out of the pack.

This guys hope was he'd buy these cards and never look at them again and then hope he had a $100,000.00 card one day, which is all of our hopes. However, by not penny sleeving many of this cards he just wasted his money 30 years ago.

Luckily the only big cards that are damaged are Manny Ramirez $3.00 and a Brett Favre at $3.00.

Just a piece of advice, don't open your stuff 30 years from now and realize all you have is garbage.

Another thing I have run into. Keep in mind, a guy put these cards away to see what they would grow to and I am going through them 20+ years later.

Some High Quality cards (1994 Leaf Limited & 1997 UD3) for the time period were placed in those plastic boxes that have a hinge and then a clip that clicks into place when you close it.

Even tough the cards were in a box that wasn't moved often. The cards jiggled inside the plastic case and many of the corners are dinged just from simple movements.

I would suggest that if you are going to use the plastic boxes with the hinges and the clips that you put filler cards in the bottom and the top to ensure that when you clip it:
1) the cards can not jiggle
2) the filler cards on top will be at the point of opening and closing in the event that you accidentally have a card get caught in the opening and closing section.


Just now seeing this thread, but I remember those cards and they did seem oddly sticky at the time, as they were kind of hard to move between your fingers when you were looking through them. Penny sleeves are essential in this hobby, no question!

