Wanted: 07/08 Heroes & Prospects TOP PROSPECTS jerseys


Bench Warmer
I am looking for the following jersey cards from 07/08 H&P. Non-white jerseys only please. 2 color jerseys with white are OK.

101 Thomas Hickey Top Prospects Game
104 Linden Rowat Top Prospects Game
107 Jakub Voracek Top Prospects Game
109 John Negrin Top Prospects Game
110 Sam Gagner Top Prospects Game
114 David Skokan Top Prospects Game
115 Logan Couture Top Prospects Game
116 Drayson Bowman Top Prospects Game
120 Brandon Sutter Top Prospects Game
121 Trevor Cann Top Prospects Game
122 Keven Veilleux Top Prospects Game
124 Michal Repik Top Prospects Game
125 Angelo Esposito Top Prospects Game
130 Jonathon Blum Top Prospects Game (looking to upgrade--have a white)
131 Bryan Cameron Top Prospects Game (looking to upgrade--have a white)
137 Oscar Moller Top Prospects Game (looking to upgrade--have a white)
140 Jordan Staal Top Prospects Game

My trade page:
slugger508/hockey_trade - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
