Football Video Box Breaks 2 04 LCM, 2 06 SPx

Need these SPX:

Vick GU
Ronde Barber Insert
Eli Manning Insert
Fasano RC
Jennings Auto
Phillip Rivers GU
Greenway RC
LenDale Insert
Norwood GU
McNeal RC
Norwood Gu/Auto /350
Champ Bailey GU! Need just for my Broncos collection as well!!!!
Nate Sally..who is that, but I need it!
Dual Auto!
Moats GU

LMK what you need!
I am really wanting only something that I stash in my pc right now as I dont do alot of trading anymore due to my band and all of the time it consumes. I collect Pats, S.Jackson jsy/autos, Cal Ripken Jr. gu/autos, and G. Brett gu/autos. Oh yea and any Kansas University players autos.

That is it as far as what I collect.


panthers4ever said:
hey how much would it take to get the greenwood off your hands? I don't have much in the line of patriots. Anything else you can use?
Well I have someone interested in it and I am only taking Pats for trade if I cant move it now I can move it later with Firth OF Fifth as he takes all of my Donkeys cards, I know you have to have some pats doubles laying around being a pats fan.


sportydude said: there any way we can work out a deal for the Champ Bailey SPX gu?
trndkllr666 said:
I am really wanting only something that I stash in my pc right now as I dont do alot of trading anymore due to my band and all of the time it consumes. I collect Pats, S.Jackson jsy/autos, Cal Ripken Jr. gu/autos, and G. Brett gu/autos. Oh yea and any Kansas University players autos.

That is it as far as what I collect.


hey bud do you take kansas univeristy basketball players ?
trndkllr666 said:
Well I have someone interested in it and I am only taking Pats for trade if I cant move it now I can move it later with Firth OF Fifth as he takes all of my Donkeys cards, I know you have to have some pats doubles laying around being a pats fan.

Alright, I'm not a Pats fan, tho. How much would it take to move it? I know I got some 06 RCs.
Panthers----- Yea I do just let me know whatchya have.

Sportydude--- I am not looking to build up my trade box at the moment so I wouldnt be interested in the rc's, If you want the base just lmk and I will hook you up if you would like.
