Verified Trader Program: New Info For All Members!!

I like this thing! And if we are verified and trade with someone who isnt, don't they have to send first? I thought they did, just a lil reasurrance as I have been ripped off 4 times since I started collecting in late July.
BSC-do I need to provide more info? same name on SCForum, and my ebay name is over there <<<<<<<<< ALL 100% POS FEEDBACKS
I would like to be Verified also....i know i put in before but still have not received anything. LMK
Thx Darrell
We are currently working out some bugs in the labeling system right now and will continue the verification process as soon as we have the bugs fixed.........thanks
Get your names on this post so I can verify information!....I'm putting together the next list of members for the Verified tags and will be submitting the info this weekend............
In case you missed me Jays1fan , I would like to be verified.
Besides having over 500 Feedbacks on ebay , I have 15 Trades on TR and 20 trades on the Bench.