Up for some trading

palantri said:
im sure we can work something out, definately. any idea on bvs of the fotg stuff?
well i was told there somewhere in the 85-95 range for all of them.
My ronnie is 60-65 so LMK if you see anything in the 20-35 range. LMK who you collect or what team. LMK thanks
i like the chad johnson triple threads auto, id also be interested in anything of the guys in my signature that i need
palantri said:
i like the chad johnson triple threads auto, id also be interested in anything of the guys in my signature that i need
well the CJs #to3 so i'm lookin for aout 150bv for that. I use to have a ginn auto but that got traded, sorry. LMK if you see anything else thanks
ahh, didnt know that- i cant really tell who are in all of your big photos- do you have a list of stuff somewhere, or just the bucket?
palantri said:
ahh, didnt know that- i cant really tell who are in all of your big photos- do you have a list of stuff somewhere, or just the bucket?
just the buckett. Name acouple teams you like and i can give you a list of them. I just cant name all of them because i have hundreds lol PLMK thanks
i got a ted ginn threads/500 jersey(forgot about that), also have a classics marcus allen jersey/250 if your interested. LMK thanks
note from srqbillsguy

you can use the ginn score rc and score hot rc, and the ronnie brown triple threads jersey

im can use the cornelius parallel, the contenders whitner/mccargo insert, the evans artifacts and the barry sanders classics jsy are we close? lmk