Football Trading Question...


Bench Warmer
im new to this site, but not other trading sites. (TNC) Just wodering if their are any rules on trading here? Or even some advice on this, im going to send 10$ for Brandon Jackson GU, AJ HAwk GU, BChrome Brett Favre FT420 #1, Jennings RC, and some Favre base... what should i do?
We do have a Verified Trade program that I suggest you look into. I don't know how to explain the rules very well, but try the FAQ's link.
to post trades...simply go to TRADE MANAGER at the top of your screen and enter the information (only ONE memeber needs to do this) IF you are NOT the member who posted the trade, simply click CONFIRM TRADES and click CONFIRM next to the proposed trade to CONFIRM it ......when you RECEIVE your end of the deal simply go to COMPLETE TRADES and click RECEIVED next to the the trade.....when you do that LEAVE FEEDBACK will be on the left of the trade manager and you guessed it LEAVE FEEDBACK it is VERY EASY

be sure and fill out your PROFILE as much as posible and dont worry about your information beign seen by members, your address/personal info is ONLY seen by memebers you are trading with and MODS/ADMIN

as far as RULES go, if a memebr has VERIFIED TRADER enxt to their name they may ask that you send first since you are new, however IF you apply to be VERIFIED LINK HERE you can assure other traders that you ar ea LEGIT trader and they will be more comfortable in dealing with you

also IF you see a member that has a MUST SEND FIRST tag under there name, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you send to them first...they must send their end to you... and of course when you receive it then you should send your side to them.... pretty straight forward really.... ;)

if you have ANY QUESTIONS at all please feel free to post them here or PM me...
DavidShep said:
okay i didnt know about the whole sending my money first and then him sending the cards...

no YOU do NOT need to send money 1st.... IF they do NOT have a MUST SEND FIRST TAG then you both send at the same time! ;)