Tony Stewart 'accident'


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ok, pretty sure if you watch any sports or news stuff, you heard about the guy Tony hit on the track last night that died...

I guess ESPN showed the full video at some point this morning, which is ethically wrong per journalism school, which is why you will see them show the guy falling off the highwire, but not hitting the ground, and why on 9/11 coverage they quit showing the buildings and people hitting the ground that had jumped...

anyway, I think Stewart is going to have some MAJOR ramifications from this event. if you want to see the video, they will be surfacing on youtube from time to time im sure, but youtube will likely take them down, as im pretty sure, showing death is against their terms of service...

from what I saw, dude was on the track pointing and probably yelling near a corner, when the Stewart car got close to him, per the audio, he mashed the gas to slide the rear end out and presumably throw dirt on the guy, like people do on the goalie in hockey with throwing ice or in skiing when you will slide in on someone who recently fell to snow them...

while it was likely not his intent to hit and **** the guy, I do think his intent was to snub his nose at the guy with his actions, and he misjudged the car, his track, or distance from the driver and hit him...the video I saw wasn't the greatest quality, so I don't know if the driver took a step closer to the car or not, but there was definitely a pickup in the audio of someone, presumably Stewart, hit the gas just before the guy was hit...

NASCAR may have given the 'courtesy' to the Stewart team to say he was withdrawing from todays even, much like high profile cases with coaches the coach will 'step down' instead of getting 'fired'...I don't see Stewart racing anytime soon, and do see some sort of 'criminal' and 'civil' court rulings against him...

what do you folks think?...
I can only go by what I see but looks like he was trying to do the maneuver you mentioned or maybe just driving close to him to send a message and misjudged the distance. The video is up at if anyone wants to see.

Very sad, really hate to see stuff like this happen. When you are a professional athlete, and especially a driver in a car or a fighter/physical athlete in a bar, you absolutely need to remain above the fray and not get involved in skirmishes like this.

I hope all legal action is taken towards Tony Stewart and he is not given special treatment, but right now, all thoughts should be with Kevin Ward and his family.
Ever one that watches NASCAR knows Tony is a hot head seen him throw a helmet at a guy a few years ago.I don't think he meant to hit him just get close to him because hes Tony Stewart he can't be see seen backing down from a 20 year old since hes in NASCAR and all.Tony might get kicked from NASCAR a lot of people are saying they will no longer watch are have anything to do with NASCAR if TONY STEWART stays in NASCAR
Ok so everyone knows Tony and the Ward guy got in an accident they call it a racing move . Tony had the spot that meant Ward needed to back off. He didn't and ended up in the wall.
So then Ward gets out of his car and is walking down towards cars and looks like he is timing jumps towards cars . When Tony gets back around he's pointing at him them starts to time a jump into tony's window . New Video shows he is trying to grab at parts on the car. he misses and gets caught in the back tire. Also so you know with the style of cars they drive control is horrible if you are going slow . So he did try to speed up to get away from ward. None of this would have happened at all though if Ward either stood next to his car or stayed in it. Every news station is making it look like Tony is at fault here when he's the actual victim . But seems like people are railroading him for past issues when what he did here could not be prevented by Tony . So go find the new video and you will see what really happened and realize Tony had no control over the situation.
I wondered why he got out of his car and started pointing/moving toward Stewart in the first place. Some of the news reports seemed to suggest that getting out of your car and calling out the driver who forced you into the wall/off the track was common place. ?HUH? I guess if I watched racing I would see this "calling out" move more often?
I guess the getting out of your car and yelling and throwing your helmet is quite prevalent in the Friday/Saturday night races in local dirt tracks...I don't know if Illinois is one of the bigger states for it or not, but I know of 3 dirt tracks within an hour of where I live...I don't know if they are active every weekend or once a month, or what, but is fairly common...

I haven't seen the second angle, just what I was going off of watching the first one a couple of times, was the only audible mashing of the gas was when Stewart clipped him...I don't know how the lighting or visibility is, but from the first angle, I don't see how that wouldn't result in some jail time in the real world...not saying its worthy of a ****** charge of any nature, but some sort of reckless driving/negligence wouldn't shock me

I know there are a ton of folks that are very mindset on what should happen...I am not a lover or hater of Stewart, I watch NASCAR for the wrecks, I don't really have a 'favorite' driver, but there are drivers I don't like, Kyle Busch and Jeff Gordon being at the top of the list...I admit both are great drivers, but I don't like them...most drivers I am indifferent of, don't care if they win or lose, well I like seeing Danica get wrecked, because it doesn't get much hotter than a mad Danica...

if I had to pick a driver I would probably go Robby Gordon, and I don't even know if he will race this year, but he is 'old school' put a fender into him, expect him to put you in the wall

I haven't watched the dirt guys since the 80s really when the Swindell's I want to say was there name that dominated...usually some good end over end wrecks each week, but I don't recall drivers getting out of their cars then..
"... well I like seeing Danica get wrecked, because it doesn't get much hotter than a mad Danica..."
Yes well there is that: To borrow something, that I saw about some other celeb today, and paraphrase it some "she could look hot in a potato sack" :love:
regular Danica is above average, but nothing crazy...mad Danica is smoking hot though...
not racing NASCAR again this weekend...

again, id like to be behind the scenes and know if this was NASCAR or Stewart i stated initially, i think he will be out for awhile, and i think its NASCAR making the choice...
out again this weekend at Bristol...really want to know who is making the decisions?

also, apparently in that area there was a Bass Pro Shop Grand Opening he was suppose to be at that has been cancelled
Looks like Tony Stewart has been cleared to race this weekend in Atlanta. He'll be addressing the media at 1pm EST, and I bet most, or all, of his press conference will be broadcast on ESPN. I'll be at lunch, but I'm sure we'll have all the rest of the day to watch it too. Well, unless we're talking about Michael Sam some more. :facepalm: