Tons of Set Wants Listed

TSC total BV = 16.60


Card #182 - Michael Finley BV.75
Card #148 - Tim Duncan BV1.25
Card #196 - Lafrentz BV.60
Card #198 - Vince carter BV5
Card #201 - Larry Hughes BV1.25
Card #203 - Paul Pierce BV2
Card #215 - Felipe Lopez BV.50
Card #230 - Chris Webber BV.75
Card #231 - Chauncey Billups BV.75
Card #238 - Marcus Camby BV.50

UD Total BV= 31


Common RC's #419, 414, 410, 407, 402 & 397 = BV 18
Card #264 - Yao Ming BV 6
Card #249 - Richard Hamilton BV .50
Card #229 - Roger Mason Jr. BV 1.50

Total BV would be 47.60
XxViSiOnxX said:
so can you let me know if you need any of them im not sure if your reply's are to me or not tnx...!

Let me see what i can come up with in Meol or Wade. No Iverson patches. No gu or Melo or Wade either if that is what your wanting. Probably some inserts of Melo or Wade.

How about mine...

Franzfernandez said:
TSC total BV = 16.60


Card #182 - Michael Finley BV.75
Card #148 - Tim Duncan BV1.25
Card #196 - Lafrentz BV.60
Card #198 - Vince carter BV5
Card #201 - Larry Hughes BV1.25
Card #203 - Paul Pierce BV2
Card #215 - Felipe Lopez BV.50
Card #230 - Chris Webber BV.75
Card #231 - Chauncey Billups BV.75
Card #238 - Marcus Camby BV.50

UD Total BV= 31


Common RC's #419, 414, 410, 407, 402 & 397 = BV 18
Card #264 - Yao Ming BV 6
Card #249 - Richard Hamilton BV .50
Card #229 - Roger Mason Jr. BV 1.50

Total BV would be 47.60
dlackey said:
Let me see what i can come up with in Meol or Wade. No Iverson patches. No gu or Melo or Wade either if that is what your wanting. Probably some inserts of Melo or Wade.


it doesnt necessarily have to be patch's or gu of the players im interested in, i wouldnt expect that in return for just mere base and rc's, but at least those players in return...i can also use #/d inserts, refractors, etc