Today was the saddest autograph signing I have ever been to.


Bench Warmer
In Bluffton,IN(tiny town of maybe 5,000) which is about 20 miles SW of Ft. Wayne,In. Maybe,(and Im being generous in my estimation.) 24 of us there. It was the Colts Make it personal tour. Where they send out a few players to sign autographs, cheerleaders, and protable Colts pro shop. I arrived 1 hour early because these things usually draw large crowds. I was the first one there. I decided to get in line for autos 15 minutes before it started, and I was 2nd in line.

As the 4 pm start time rolls around, 2 limos pull up, and Colts LB Freddie Keiaho, was announced, and then you hear a small maybe 5 people clapping for him, and then announce the other guy,(I have no idea who this guy is, and Im a huge Colts fan.) And the crowd just falls silent. They go and sit at there spots at the stage, and no one goes up so they were just sittting there for about 5 minutes with everyone staring at them. Finally I went up there to break the ice, but still no one follwed me.

The Colts are trying to go to smaller cities for this tour, but after this disaster, they may have to rethink this.

Freddie Keiaho signing my mini helmet

Mystery guy signing my mini helmet

The large festival crowd there for the players.
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