The Ultimate Quest - Non stop Ultimate Collection!

Going 08 base crazy here..

Todays Ultimate add..

Billy Sims 08 Legend base /275
Todays Ultimate add..

Freebies! Yaaaay! :D (from avbruins65, thanks again Mark :) )

Jose Theodore 05-06 Ultimate Signatures
Todays (second) Ultimate add..

Freebie again :LOL:

Colby Cohen 10-11 Ultimate Debut Threads Jersey /200
Well, the Quest has explomododed to 532 total cards since we left off.. Mostly base though :p
Whoops! Just checked the Quest page..

Ultimate Collection Stats

Total Cards: 538
Total Baseball: 20
Total Basketball: 126
Total Football: 355
Total Hockey: 3

Never got to add the last 12 2012 Ultimate Rookie base cards.. so here they are! Including the big guns of the class :D