Football The OFFICIAL Football Group Break Club - Aug 2013

All teams are now final. Also, since there are 10 in the break and 5 have already voted for option #3 that's what we'll be going with this month. Payments are due on Sunday.
Just a reminder that payments are due tomorrow. Assuming all payments meet the deadline, we should be back to our regularly scheduled Thursday evening at around 8pm EST break.
Payments are due today, folks. Let's get them in so we can get these bad boys ordered and busted!
I'm sorry guys due to a huge financial reason I'm going to have to drop the jets and Vikings. Again in sorry mike wasn't expecting this situation.
Since Luke dropped 2 spots, I'm going to have to change up the box selection a bit. I'm going to swap out the box of 2011 Absolute with a box of 2011 Crown Royale. That will leave us with 2013 Elite, 2012 Totall Certified, and 2011 Crown Royale. I hope all of you are cool with the change.
The break will be Friday rather than Thursday again this time, guys. I'll start the NPO break sometime around 8pm EST, then this break will immediately follow. Hope to see you all there.