Football The OFFICIAL Football Break Club - June '15

one question: regarding the base cards with veteran players on college uniform, which rule is applied to determine who receive the card?
actual team/team where the player played for the longest time/random?
I have the case at leat 3 times with Gore, Graham and Boldin.:D
one question: regarding the base cards with veteran players on college uniform, which rule is applied to determine who receive the card?
actual team/team where the player played for the longest time/random?
I have the case at leat 3 times with Gore, Graham and Boldin.:D
See post # 1
Damn... It means I won't have the multiple Frank gore :banghead:..........:D
@Cool_Hand_Flash : if you have interest to sell the Frank gore ones, just let me know.
or, at least your duplicates (I think you have some);)
Hahahah, no sweat You can have the Gore base. @Mike would you go ahead and slide them in our french friends package please :)
Well, just over 3 hours of sorting last night and it's complete. That was a nightmare! Anyways, it's done and packages will be made up this evening when I get home from work. I was hoping to have them mailed today, but I was completely over those cards by the time I got them all sorted and divided into member piles. Anyways, they'll be mailed out in tomorrow morning's mail. Be on the lookout for them early next week.

In future years, I'd like to propose that we NEVER do college products again. Not only was sorting a nightmare, this break was one of the worst we've had in a long time (since last year at this time, I believe). Maybe/Definitely next year we'll wait and start 2016 product with the release of Bowman and/or Prestige.