the MYSTERY box - official sign up

Andy Akers

Collect Bengals, Purdue, 03 and 04 Pristine gold refs, 06 Sterling refs and gold refs
looks like it's on now.
Make sure to PM me your mailing address.

& with only 6 spots left ... PM your buddies & let them know space is almost out -
Elan Hichenberg (thepistonsfan)

ALL Redskins (especially Rocky McIntosh, Jason Campbell, Charley Taylor & John Riggins) and of course BYRON LEFTWICH.

ONLY 10 mailing addresses have been PM'd to me so far.
I'll give this 24 more hours then close it on Tuesday night;
to be mailed on Wednesday or so.

OKAY - I'm starting to wrap this process up.

(12) people IM'd me mailing addresses.
I'm okay with cutting it down to 12 because that means everyone gets the box faster.

If anything else squeezes in tonight, I'll add it.
Otherwise, I print all the addresses I have tomorrow & mail the box.

PEACE! - chris
GUys check on the rules of Media Mail before you send that way. It is cheep for a reason.
Please just as a suggestion if sending this way use DC and maybe even insurance.