Football The Break formerly know as TheBoxbreakers Hobby #1 Group Break Sept


I like Cards...
Transactions: 2
Alright guys working on a name for the group moving forward.

Facts you need to know;

Cost: $50 for 1st team and $47 for each additional team after that. Also offer Draft Slots for unclaimed teams at $20 per slot.
Payment Due Date: Sept 22nd
There will be a change in the payment format from what Chris has done in the past. I will require payment before boxes are ordered. The Product list will be available 1st week of the month.
Break Date: Sept 29th
Product List: (Based on 21 teams filled + 4 drafted)

Product list pending
2013 Topps Finest Football Hobby Box
2013 Panini Momentum Football Hobby Box
2013 Topps Platinum Football Hobby Box
2012 Panini Limited Football Hobby Box
2012 Panini Absolute Memorabilia Box
2012 Topps Strata Football Hobby Box
2011 Topps Five Star Football Hobby Box

Please confirm teams so we can get the group back up and rolling.
Please contact me for Payment Addys

49ers - KPit1978 (Paid)
Bears -
Bengals - Vito AKA Isoprene (Paid)
Bills - Dvashun (Paid)
Broncos - MWS (Paid)
Browns - Crpalmi (Paid)
Buccaneers - Dvashun (Paid)
Cardinals -
Chargers - MWS Draft
Chiefs -
Colts - Cool Hand Flash (Paid)
Cowboys - AjSquiggy CPaid)
Dolphins - Gadsden86 (Paid)
Eagles - Vito AKA Isopren (Paid)
Falcons - Crpalmi Draft
Giants - Davesboxbreaks (paid)
Jaguars - Takeobeavis
Jets - BobKoning (Paid)
Lions - MWS Draft
Packers - KPit1978 (Paid)
Panthers - Takeobeavis
Patriots - franklinguy52 (Paid)
Raiders -
Rams - Cardman123 (Paid)
Ravens - KPit1978 (Draft)
Redskins - Yzerisdaman (Paid)
Saints - saintsfan74 (Paid)
Seahawks - 19thcentury (Paid)
Steelers - MWS (Paid)
Titans- Cardman123 Draft
Texans - Cardman123 Draft
Vikings - KPit1978 Draft

KPit1988 (Paid)
Cardman123 1 (Paid)
MWS 1 (Paid)
KPit1978( Paid)
Cardman123 1 (Paid)
MWS 1 (Paid)
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Great to see this break taking place on here, Mike. I know @Crpalmi hosted the #2 break here at one point before my absence screwed everyone over. Thanks for bringing them back. :D
Great to see you and the break over here.

In with the Colts.. a bit 2013 heavy this month?
Yeah I went heavy on it for price reasons. Should be a fun break.
Looks like a good list, only thing is Im not fond of Inception in group breaks. Neither 12 or 13, with all those teams without hits.
Well the list is always subject to change with people dropping and adding. I will make it a point to work it out of the mix this month if possible.