Terrible Umpire Calls


TP9 | VC15
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I love to watch these videos on YouTube. I know it can't be an easy job for these umpires to get things right in real time, which is why I'm glad for the review these days. However, some calls are just flat out no way they should have ever been called. I will probably post some more in this thread in the future, but y'all gotta see this one I found today. It's pretty old but wow...

Here, I present to you what very well may be the absolute worst call in all of sports history. This has to be Angel Hernandez or Joe West as little league umps, right?

Some of the comment are hilarious, too.

That umpire had that call already in his head when he pulled out of his driveway on the way to the game.

I love how the catcher frames it and it’s still like a foot off the plate

Obviously he gave him the strike because he hit his spot flawlessly... however, I did not know you could call a strike thrown to a catcher set up in the fifth row. Ridiculous
It is egregious at every level. Won't go into all the details, but we had a game last year, the home plate ump told us he hoped the bottom of the last inning went quick because he had to use the restroom. We were down 4 runs. We scored 2 and had bases loaded with 1 out. He rung 2 straight kids up on pitches that bounced in the opposite batters box and than sprinted straight to the port-o-john.
It is egregious at every level. Won't go into all the details, but we had a game last year, the home plate ump told us he hoped the bottom of the last inning went quick because he had to use the restroom. We were down 4 runs. We scored 2 and had bases loaded with 1 out. He rung 2 straight kids up on pitches that bounced in the opposite batters box and than sprinted straight to the port-o-john.

Then folks wonder why refs have to take crap from the coaches and parents...
watch an Angel Hernandez game in MLB. He is awful and Kyle Schwarber finally had enough last night.

he umped the phils/brewers game last night - I am wagering heavily that is what got this discussion started!

He was brutally bad. BRUTALLY BAD!
Hilarious! Not even remotely close!
According to Umpire Auditor, a Twitter account dedicated to tracking strike-ball calls, Hernández was the lowest-rated umpire Sunday at 85.3% (19 missed calls).

Umpire Scorecards - another such social media account – ruled that Hernández called 113 of 129 pitches correctly. Missing 16 pitches might not seem like a lot, but Umpire Scorecards said 11 of 48 called strikes (77% – the average called strike accuracy is 88%) were actually true balls.
Indeed, zone data from MLB-owned Baseball Savant shows how Hernández's strike zone impacted the Phillies and Brewers. Hernández punched out six batters on pitches outside the zone (four Phillies, two Brewers), per Statcast. Brewers starter Eric Laurer recorded a career-high 13 strikeouts.

In a one-run game, every call carries weight – Umpire Scorecards determined that Hernández's judgment resulted in +0.77 runs for Milwaukee. Some of his worst calls came in pivotal moments for Philadelphia. With the bases loaded and one out in the fifth inning, Laurer threw a first-pitch slider to Phillies shortstop Jean Segura. The pitch missed inside by a season-high 6.47 inches, per Umpire Auditor.