Tavares RC for trade- looking for Flyers, Pens...


Bench Warmer
LMK what you have to offer for a Tavares RC #70 Ovation. I also just got 09/10 Malkin quad GU and 09/10 J Staal quad GU from Black Diamond. AND I will accept any Niemi, Kane, or Toews RC I don't have as well as the afformentioned. If you happen to have Steelers GU or AU or Mike Wallace RCs you're in as well.
Yup, Yup. They are in tins, and they did it also w/ Malkin Staal Rookie year... See points auctions for some more of the RCs I pulled from Ovation.
All traded! Very well, then! I will be posting some really nice stuff for about the next month or so, so when you see my threads, get in quick.