Super Bowl Contest - Winner

Who receives the opening kick-off? Steelers
2 - Which team scores first?Steelers
3 - Which player scores first?Big Ben rushes In for a TD
4 - Who leads at half time?Packers
5 - Which team wins?Steelrs
6 - Final Score?17-14

Tie Breaker - How many total yards. 654 yards
Collecting Cleveland Browns,Autos,Gameused.
1 - Who receives the opening kick-off? Steelers
2 - Which team scores first? Steelers
3 - Which player scores first? Suisam
4 - Who leads at half time? Green Bay
5 - Which team wins? Green Bay
6 - Final Score? 24-19

Tie Breaker - How many total yards 646

Collecting Chrome RCs
1 - Who receives the opening kick-off? Looking for the team. Pittsburgh
2 - Which team scores first? GB
3 - Which player scores first? Mike Wallace
4 - Who leads at half time?Pittsburgh
5 - Which team wins? GB
6 - Final Score? GB 23 Pittsburgh 17

Tie Breaker - How many total yards-695

collect Troy Smith, Malcolm Jenkins, Suh, James Lauranitis
1-- pittsburgh
3-- james starks
4-- gb
6-- pitt-28--gb-21

tie breaker total yards 765

i collect any multi clr patch cards and nice bears cards
1 - Who receives the opening kick-off? steelers
2 - Which team scores first? packers
3 - Which player scores first? starks
4 - Who leads at half time? packers
5 - Which team wins? steelers
6 - Final Score? 28-21

Tie Breaker - How many total yards 800
1 - Who receives the opening kick-off? Packers
2 - Which team scores first? Steelers
3 - Which player scores first? Mendenhall
4 - Who leads at half time? Packers
5 - Which team wins? Steelers
6 - Final Score? 24-21

Tie Breaker - How many total yards 634