stlalways94 2008 TTM successes!

Great start to November today:

Max Scherzer c/o AFL in 11 days; signed '07 Tristar Protential in red ink for my set.

Billy Pierce, c/o Home in 5 days; signed '52 RedMan Tobacco Card in blue and answered my questions.

I will try to get scans up later.

- John
I sent the AFL about two weeks ago. Sent out about 35 and have gotten an amazing 15 back. Still waitting on Hughes and Schezer.
Thanks guys! Yesterday I got:

Bobby Shantz c/o Home in 11 days. Signed a 53 Re Man and answered my questions. Still working on fixing my scanner....
I got my first success in like a week today:

Hank Aaron, c/o Braves (fwded to his home) in 9 days. I sent him a 4x6 of his 756th HR to sign, but he signed the protective IC's I put in to protect the photo. I can't really complain, but I really wanted that photo signed.

In other news, I have officially pronounced my scanner dead. It was only 2 years old. RIP. :( If you are a frequent reader of this thread and like seeing scans of my sweet TTM's, I am now excepting Paypal donations for a new scanner at: [email protected]. :)
- John