SportsCardRadio vs CardFatherX


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)
For those of you who follow one, or both, of these guys on Twitter it's no secret that they don't exactly get along. They've had a Twitter war going on for quite some time now, which has, at times, been pretty funny to read. For those of you who don't, here is my outsider view on who these guys are, in relation to their "battle".

@SportsCardRadio (Colin) runs a podcast where he talks about different things happening around the hobby, including the fact that there are some people who are hosting (illegal?) raffles. His show is actually a pretty good listen. For those of you who have never heard his show, check out

CardFatherX (Josh) is a guy who happens to host some of these raffles, along with group breaks for most major products that come out. Josh is one of the top breakers around. When I get off work early enough, his show is one of very few that I do enjoy sitting in on, mainly just to watch. You can watch his show at

In this latest podcast we get to listen to this as it happened live, over the phone, rather than having to go back and read about it over Twitter. If you'd like to take a listen, it's only about 34 minutes long, here's the link: Show #157 Josh Cade @CardFatherX Group Break Razz + Filler Interview

This show was hilarious. Colin is attempting to bring to light the ****ods in which Josh operates. I must admit, though, that after listening to the show I am a bit confused. Josh kept saying that everyone who joins one of these raffles gets the same thing, but I've never been in one of these raffles where I lost and got something anyways. Maybe Josh is doing something different now, though. I haven't been in any of these raffles in quite a while now.

Let's face it, though, if you are paying for a chance to win something, and there is a random drawing where there is 1 winner and 9 losers, that IS a raffle. It doesn't really matter what you call it, it's still a raffle, and it's still illegal under most circumstances. That's not to say that's what is going on here, but it is what was going on when I was buying into them. Besides, everyone knows the raffles are illegal and they still do it. Chances are, people will continue to do raffles until people quit buying into them.

Keep in mind that all of this, if I'm not mistaken, was started by Colin. He called out group breakers and raffles which, like it or not, are now a part of his hobby. He started pushing and found someone who will push back. Colin runs a podcast, though, so really it's genius. Controversy like this equals more listeners, and he obviously knows it. This particular show page has had almost as many hits as Colin's last 2 shows combined.

If you'd like to follow this thing on Twitter, follow both of these guys SportsCardRadio on Twitter | CardFatherX on Twitter
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I don't do podcasts, but I have used the SportsCardRadio website for set checklists from time to time, or Google has sent me to their site for the checklist.
Raffles and group breaks are both the same is busting wax....GAMBLING :)

I have done all on occassion, I will join group breaks on occassion, but what makes me shy away more than anything else is how big of a cut the hosts take.

I have not listened to either of their podcasts but I think what the raffler was saying was that buying in gives everyone the same thing.....the chance to win that card. Now I have also seen ones on eBay that get by legally (I assume) by having the auction be for an index card or soemthing with a free bonus of getting a place in a break or raffle.
what makes me shy away more than anything else is how big of a cut the hosts take.

This is exactly why I quit doing group breaks on sites like Breakers or with guys I don't know. Now I only join breaks with guys who I know aren't making money off of them. Guys like @Batman1641, @pwolantern, and @Crpalmi right here on TCZ. @WestCoastSkinsFan also runs a good standing football break on TCC and he doesn't make money. In fact, I'd venture to say that most of those guys have lost money at least a few times running their breaks.
This is exactly why I quit doing group breaks on sites like Breakers or with guys I don't know. Now I only join breaks with guys who I know aren't making money off of them. Guys like @Batman1641, @pwolantern, and @Crpalmi right here on TCZ. @WestCoastSkinsFan also runs a good standing football break on TCC and he doesn't make money. In fact, I'd venture to say that most of those guys have lost money at least a few times running their breaks.

I can attest, I generally lose a little bit of money on the breaks over the long run. Very little, but fees and shipping add up.
Wish I made money doing the breaks that would be nice. It never felt right trying to make money doing it.
Cardfatherx represents everything that is wrong with the hobby. He makes money exploiting people and anyone that questions his ethics is verbally attacked online. He is nothing more than a cyberbully, and he makes a living off of boxbreaks and raffles. I'm sorry but I have no respect for a person who isn't man enough to get a real job and lives in a fantasy world. See for yourself, check out one of breaks, if you have enough patience to sit through one you'll notice that all he does is badmouth countless people that he doesn't agree with. He does this for hours on end daily. He preaches his bs for 90% of the break and the sad thing is that there are some idiots that actually believe his steaming piles of crap. He also takes spots in his own raffles which is unethical, it is ilegal to raffle to begin with but if you ask him he'll swear they aren't raffles and everybody wins. He claims people who don't get a spot in his break raffles get base cards worth the same amount they paid for their raffle or "filler" spot, but instead of sending them these cards they opt to give them to charity. Yeah ok cardfatherx which charity is that? The one in your pocket that goes back and forth to Mcdonalds ten times a day. Let him have his fun for now, he is going down. Not only are raffles illegal in Texas (where he lives) but boxbreaks are also againt Texas law. He wont ladt forever, and the more exposure he gets is the harder he is gonna fall. Maybe then he'll have to get a real job for once in his life and sweat a few cheeseburgers off, but sooner or later people will either wise up and stop supporting this lazy baffoon or he will get shut down by paypal for gift payments or even better get busted bybthe Texas gaming board.
I have heard exactly what you're referring to @bellamax77, but it's pretty easy to just go to another breaker if you don't like the way he's doing things. As for taking spots in your own raffle, I have to agree completely that would definitely turn me completely off from wanting to deal with anyone. The fact that there's a 10% chance that someone could end up keeping a card they just got paid 90% of sell value for, and will likely rerun, is just downright crooked if you ask me.

All that said, I go back to my first thought which is it is very easy to just change the channel.