Sports Card Radio #147 Are Group Breaks Legal


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)

Before I start, I'd like to try to encourage you all to listen to the entire podcast when/if you've got time. This isn't the only thing he talks about in this show and the entire thing is fairly entertaining. I don't know Colin, and I don't have any kinds of ties or affiliations with him or his podcast. I just like what I'm listening to, and think some of you would too.

Anyways, the first half of this show is what I'd like to focus this conversation on. Colin talks about the legality of group breaks. He does admit that he really doesn't know whether or not they're legal, but does go on to talk about his perception of them.

I'd like to get some thoughts from y'all on whether or not you guys think that group breaks are legal or not. I can actually understand cases from both sides of the fence on here and until there's an actual court ruling I don't think it'll ever be clear.

On one hand, you could claim that they are illegal because everyone is paying the exact same amount of money and it's almost always guaranteed that not everyone in the break will end up getting the same thing back, from a monetary standpoint. Then again, though, the same thing could be said for everyone who buys a pack/box/case of cards. They aren't all equal, again from a monetary standpoint. However, buying spots in a group break doesn't guarantee you to receive a specific number of base/GU/Auto cards, or even give you specific odds of receiving any number of cards, like buying a box does.

One thing that Colin does bring up, though, which makes me question the legality of it even more is that PayPal will always give the buyer their money back, ever single time, even if they get their cards. So, evidently PayPal sees something wrong here if they wouldn't even question the case and just automatically side with the buyer.

So what do y'all think about the legality of these group breaks?
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Group breaks are great for collectors . I have been involved in them for many years . When a person joins a break they know the chance of not getting a hit . I for one have gotten shut out countless times . But the way i see it is i helped a fellow collector get some cards he would not normally have a chance to get him self. I think Paypal is covering them selfs because they promise to protect all tranactions and with group breaks they made them as gambling . But the same can be said for buying a card on ebay so you can re sell it.

What happens that causes the issues is the people who don't understand them and think since they paid money that they should get a hit. Thats where the main issue is . The other big issue is Ebay with the scam breakers and other scam breakers as well So Paypal wants to say it's a no no. Paypal/Ebay really is the issue here not the group breaks they need to find a better way of dealing with breakers that can still protect the buyer and seller without them saying its wrong. You also have to look at buyers on ebay buying a card on Monday for 500.00 then on Friday same card sells for 200.00 and they return it because they say its damaged etc. But the only issue is they found said card sold for less now and they can't make the same money on it ,

Now go look at card companies they are happy with the group breakers since they found a new way to sell more product . Last year i remember reading how Card companies were trying to find ways to make group breaks more enjoyable for people.
I agree that group breaks can be good for the hobby. The buy/flip guys love them because of the chance at getting a big time return on their investment. The team collectors love them, especially the pick your team variety, so they can get all the cards from their teams without the work of buying them individually (even though I still say it's better to team collect by buying). I, personally, like the pick your team group breaks not so I can get all the cards of my team, but because I have the chance at getting a hit from my team I otherwise wouldn't be able to afford as a single.

I'm also absolutely certain the card companies are loving the group breakers. Group breakers are probably selling as much product, collectively, as anyone right now. That said, the card companies don't care how their products get sold, just THAT their products get sold. Illegal sales, or not, doesn't matter to them.

The question at hand, however, is still whether or not it is legal.

I think PayPal takes their stand because they, too, don't know whether or not it is legal and they're wanting to take the stand of "yes it is" just to be on the safe side. That doesn't necessarily mean they believe it is illegal. It just means that it's possible they want to be "better safe than sorry".
To me there is no difference if we were all to meet at a LCS (Washington to Denmark guess mid Atlantic Ocean would be local) and go halfsies on the boxes. I wouldn't do ebay breaks for the simple fact I could see people asking for refunds or leaving bad feed back! This being a club of sorts is a hundred times different. I know hitless sucks but ask @scottyb13 the minute you get the hits roll. Paypal has break hosters by the balls. Maybe we need to have consent forms or contracts to join. Hate to say it I will spend 80 a break rather than 150-200 a box
If you are in this hobby to make money then everything about it is a risk. I could see trying to collect these days without box breaks, there are far too many different sets and boxes that are priced outrageously. I love the box breaks because it gives everybody a chance to collect for their PC and a way to all get together and chat about the boxes and the hobby.
I'm glad @Amandashubby2010 had to tag me because I am the model citizen of going hitless lol. But in all honesty I feel like group breaks have some real positives and negatives. The positives are you could do a high end break without paying for the entire cost of the box. Also you get to hangout with some real good friends and break some boxes together. Now for a negative, I get pissed off because it seems like anyone with a good reputation should be able to fill a group break so everyone can go through what it is like to host one. But sadly that is not the reality. It really disappoints me that out of all the group breaks I have tried to fill I only filled one. Honestly it wasn't even full. I just got to the break even point and called it good and did the break.