SP Authentic

legendaryprospects - lmk what you like of mine i liked all of these:
t.bell,berrian, chris perry, r.williams, losman, woods, tirzgerald, cobbs, mccown, j.jones, gore, williamson, m.clayton, h.miller, s.jackson, v.jackson, schaub.

fordfanaw- liked these what are your individual prices?
m.lewis, huff, hagan, d.williams, m.drew, m.robinson
Any interest in this Bv 360 ?

of course.. i dont think i have the money or enough in bv right now for it but lmk how much you're looking for, and if you see anything on my site. thanks
I am interested in the Emmitt auto and Peyto Auto PSA 10

1bensonfan said:
of course.. i dont think i have the money or enough in bv right now for it but lmk how much you're looking for, and if you see anything on my site. thanks