Some new stuff

Hey thanks for the response. Here's what I like from your bucket in no particular order.
Dickerson auto
Westbrook patch
Campanella GU
Mathews GU
Ginnobli patch
Witten patch
Marino GU
heres the bv:

Dickerson auto 80
Westbrook patch 40
Campanella not gu
Mathews GU doesnt book
Ginnobli patch doesnt book
Witten patch 25
Marino GU 30
LMK if you need the 1991 Stadium Pre-Production Sample of Mattingly. BV is $100 and the only one on Ebay is $75 BIN. I'd trade at $40 because the right bottom corner is not perfect. These were made supposedly in quantities of 40 each. I like the Aikman preview in a 1-for-1 swap, BTW. Thanks, ~Lily Paige~