some idiots on ebay


Transactions: 14
So I bid on a 2014 Bowman Bucannon rookie auto in his college uni #'d to 25 and I won it at 6.50 but it didn't hit the guys reserve so he relisted it today at $30. Talk about morons on ebay. Anyone else have stories like this?
I've made guys offers on BIN/OBO before that were too low, according to them, only to have them relist the item as an auction and win it for less than my original offer. So, yeah, some people really are 💩. ;)
i barely bid on things with reserves...have a friend that collects Coty Sensabaugh or however you spell it, a DB on the Titans, where most of his stuff goes for $5 or less, and he says some stuff is up at hostage prices...

I see lots of stuff listed with crazy prices in my regular searches...what I love is when a guy will have a card for say, $100 and you offer $75 and get declined, then finally he puts it at auction and you win it for like $35...done that several times...
it goes both ways though you have people who do this crap. Then the people who make low ball offers and tell you they bought so and so card for 20. So the card You have i can offer 15.00 on it .
I try to avoid auctions with reserve prices. Even for cards that are at the tippy top of my wantlists.
On an auction you can start it for what your minimum you would take for it is so reserves are dumb. I bid because I didn't think the guys reserve would be crazy stupid.