Football Simpson guilty of armed robbery, kidnapping


Bench Warmer
Well I'm not sure he did the crime but he is guilty just for being there. He was ordered to sell his things to pay for the wrongful death of Nicole and Ron and then going to get it back from a dealer who probably went about buying it the right way. Simpson said all his memrobilia was stolen but the documents showed all the items that were sold at the auction. (I did research). I'm just wondering how long he will have to serve. Minimum is 5 yrs but for all 12 counts I would'nt be surpirsed if he doesn't get life. Thats just my 2 cents worth.
Interesting, I am surprised that he was found guilty kidnapping. Normally you have to take someone somewhere other than where the original crime took place for it to be kidnapping. If it's holding someone against their will it's false imprisonment. Either way the guy is a dirt bag and flaunted the fact that he got away with ******. So I hope they throw is butt under the jail!
Unlawful imprisonment seems more appropriate. Holding someone somewhere where they do not feel free to go. Also, the room was not his to even be in. If they asked him to leave, that's criminal trespass. I suppose combine the 2 charges and you have the kidnapping.
well if he even get the minimum it is 5 yrs for each charge so I guess it would be life at his age. 60 yrs would be min.