Simon should be done after that hit.

Johan Santana #57 said:
the hit is like 10x worse than bertuzzis shot a few years ago on Moore, he should have gotten at least a whole year of games off (what ever that is in hockey :eek:)

82 games, same as b-ball
There were two MAJOR differences between his hit, and Bertuzzi's hit...

1. Bertuzzi was 100% unprovoked. IT was retaliation from a hit that another Colorado player had but on someone in a previous game.

2. Bertuzzi broke Steve Moore's neck and instantly ended his chance of ever returning to the game he loved. It was only his rookie season.

I think the suspention is correct, but correct me if I am wrong, but if the Islanders make the playoffs, and their series are long, he could be back for late playoff games, like the Cup.
I am not sure on the last part. I think it said minimum of 25 games and he is out for the reg season adn the playoffs no matter what, but I am not 100% sure on that.
Yeah, that hit was SUPER dirty.

He should be counting his lucky stars that he didn't get that guys throat, he could have crushed his whole throat and killed him....:eek:

The guy who got hit is SUPER lucky that he only got a cut on his chin.

I read alot of the articles after that and alot of Simon's teammates were saying stuff like "yeah I saw the guy after the game and he seemed fine".

That doesn't make any difference.....

What I think is that other players should be asked "If he hit you like that what would you want to be done"?

There is absolutely no reason for anybody to use their stick in that fashion. Sure, slashes happen all the time BUT NOT IN THE FACE!!!
