Simon should be done after that hit.


Bench Warmer
That is just crazy, he could have killed that guy. They should send him home for this year, next year, and on. It doesn't matter what the outcome is, he is not fit to play any game.
He had every right to be mad, or even retaliate with a hard check but he went way too far, and that has no place in the NHL. Just a brutal attack!

He could have broke the guys neck real easiliy. That is why I say suspend him forever. That was clearly on purpose and there is no need for it. EVER.
i think he should b suspended for the rest of the year. Tho it only gave the guy a cut on his chin, it was uncalled for and could have dont a lot more.
Not as bad because he used his body not the stick. And that guys head was down. Although he should get some.

What Chris Simon did there was burtal.... he is going to definately lose some games for that one.. that kind of attack thou.. my gosh... the NHLPA should fine him for that one... Totaly uncalled for... Actually any player that uses his stick for any kind of fighting should get fined and kicked out of the league.. well that is just my oppion..

Simon was suspended indefinitely Friday by the NHL, one day after his vicious two-handed stick swing to the face of New York Rangers forward Ryan Hollweg. Simon, who was given a match penalty Thursday night for deliberate attempt to injure, was summoned to a league hearing set for Saturday.

Hollweg took a few stitches in the chin, but was not seriously hurt. Simon likely will be feeling the sting of his actions for quite some time. The length of the banishment won't be determined until the hearing with league disciplinarian Colin Campbell.

The suspension could be as long as those given to Todd Bertuzzi and Marty McSorley following their violent infractions that also gave a black eye to hockey. The Islanders have 15 regular-season games left, and might be without Simon for those and the playoffs should the team qualify.
It was a horrible hit, but if Todd Bertuzzi got to come back, Chris Simon certainly should as well. I think he should be done for THIS season (Playoffs Included), and that is all.
Neither should have came back, but he is now suspended until at a league hearing. I say send him home forever.
If the NHL wants to get rid of this sort of crap forever, they need to set the bar with this upcoming suspension. However, they have never ever admitted that they want to do anything about these sorts of incidents, and I'm thinking that the suspension will be some rediculous number like 6-10 games max. We'll see, but I'm betting it won't be much more than that. We'll see, but I doubt I'm wrong on my prediction. :rolleyes:
well the verdict is out

25 min. games

reg season/playoffs, I hope they miss the playoffs, just so he misses games next year as well.

the hit is like 10x worse than bertuzzis shot a few years ago on Moore, he should have gotten at least a whole year of games off (what ever that is in hockey :eek:)