

Molson Hero
ilikepie(med/brett) Came to me in chat complaining of harassment earlier in chat.

*****[iLikePie] 7:23 pm: can you ban som
eone from the site?
*****[iLikePie] 7:23 pm: ban jt and
[rndmhro] 7:24 pm: Why is that?
*****[iLikePie] 7:24 pm: haha, showoff
keep critizing my cards and jt keep
calling me "pie boy" when i asked him to
stop several
[rndmhro] 7:25 pm: I'll make a post of it
and contact them both
*****[iLikePie] 7:25 pm: you don't have to
get into it, just letting you know
[rndmhro] 7:25 pm: thats what im here for.
link worked for me, the guy did nothing wrong just telling them of the way scforums works with incoming cards (same thing as on here) and he was owned by the mod lol.

so Ilikepie is whining for nothing