Selling/Trading Almost Everything

I have the Edwards RPM auto bv 60. Can I do some cash or Eagles GU or both for the Jones auto jersey

hey whats goin on? i liked these in no order lmk what we can do thanks!
edwards letter
some intrest in duce auto
robin roberts auto
jones patch

lmk thanks!
Ok the Edwards books for $60, the Jones Patch books for $30, Duce auto books for $25-30 but I'd trade it for less! The Robin Roberts is gone, sorry. I liek your Ultley Sweet Spot, the MJD auto, Colston contenders, and Colston/Meachem?? auto. Obviousely, I'd only be lloking for a couple of those cards in trade unless you saw anything else in my bucket? LMK what there availability and what they book and we'll go from there.

cl204 said:
hey whats goin on? i liked these in no order lmk what we can do thanks!
edwards letter
some intrest in duce auto
robin roberts auto
jones patch

lmk thanks!
Ok the Edwards books for $60, the Jones Patch books for $30, Duce auto books for $25-30 but I'd trade it for less! The Robin Roberts is gone, sorry. I liek your Ultley Sweet Spot, the MJD auto, Colston contenders, and Colston/Meachem?? auto. Obviousely, I'd only be lloking for a couple of those cards in trade unless you saw anything else in my bucket? LMK what there availability and what they book and we'll go from there.

cool thanks for the bvs... the colston contenders and the mjd are pending and i think im gonna hold onto the utley... but once the guy gets back to me on those i will send a pm your way... thanks for your time