If you are a part of this break and the low budget baseball break (which I have adjusted to extremely low like this one!) Discounts will be made available for multi spots (I will give more details later.) Minimum of 3 spots to get discount, the more spots, the better the discount (gotta love saving on shipping :) )
Folks, Break is a go! I will start taking payments now! Of course spots are still available! If you have multiple spots (here and on my other breaks) PM me with the total # of teams per break you have and I will get you an adjusted price. Keep in mind, the shipping discount wont be huge as this is already priced very low!

paypal: [email protected]
Lets fill this up! Remember, if you know anyone off site that might be interested, get them over here! Get new members for the site and helps fill my breaks! Total win win!
Ok folks, lets get these payments in and finish filling the break! Unless anyone has objections, I will allow others to join the break live on Breakers as long as their payments are recieved prior to me breaking that particular box
I would, however, rather not have to sell the teams to anyone in that way! So if you want addtional teams, contact me and lets get these filled.
Got you down! Anyone else? Still a couple of open spots! Still need more payments so that I can order!