rookies for sale: kobe bryant, rajon rondo, chris paul, paul pierce and more


Bench Warmer
96-97 finest kobe bryant rc

98-99 flair showcase paul pierce rc /1500

05-06 finest chris paul rc /599

06-07 bowman sterling tyrus thomas rc

04-05 topps chome refractor chris duhon rc

06-07 e-x sergio rodriguez au rc /899

06-07 sp authentic rajon rondo au rc /999

06-07 e-x rajon rondo au rc /399

06-07 e-x rajon rondo au rc parallel /67

06-07 bowman sterling rajon rondo jsy rc

06-07 finest rajon rondo refractor rc

05-06 finest x-fractor rajon rondo rc /249

05-06 finest red x-fractor rajon rondo rc /169

if you see anything you want, make me an offer! any reasonable offer and the card (or cards) is/are yours. i won't get offended by low offers, and it never hurts to ask! thanks
Like your 05-06 finest chris paul rc /599

06-07 sp authentic rajon rondo au rc /999

06-07 e-x rajon rondo au rc /399

Need these:

96-97 finest kobe bryant rc
98-99 flair showcase paul pierce rc /1500
05-06 finest chris paul rc /599

hi lemu23.. :D
just so everyone knows, the kobe is off the table already. i don't want anyone to think I'm being a jerk about it, just making sure everyone knows.
how about these:
98-99 flair showcase paul pierce rc /1500
05-06 finest chris paul rc /599

i like the scott auto, the ray allen three color jsy, the bosh rc.

the vince carter significance, is that just a numbered auto?
how about
ray allen 3 color patch /75
bosh topps chrome rc
byron scott auto

for these:
06-07 sp authentic rajon rondo au rc /999
05-06 finest chris paul rc /599

let me know..
How much for these:

06-07 e-x sergio rodriguez au rc /899

06-07 sp authentic rajon rondo au rc /999

06-07 e-x rajon rondo au rc /399

06-07 e-x rajon rondo au rc parallel /67

06-07 bowman sterling rajon rondo jsy rc

06-07 finest rajon rondo refractor rc

05-06 finest x-fractor rajon rondo rc /249

05-06 finest red x-fractor rajon rondo rc /169