Retail Absolute boxes


Bench Warmer
Some of you may remember my post about the wife finding a retail box of 7 packs for 2010 absolute memorabilia a few weeks back. Well I went to a different target and found them for $20 which is the standard. I bought 3 boxes
and got 2 hits in each box!! Not sure if this is luck or what but that is now 4 total boxes of this and 8 total hits. Going back today to buy the wrest of them. If u have a target near u, check it out. While nothing ground breaking, I have been able to trade all the jersey cards for what I collect so it a win for me.
funny, our local target did not have the boxes, but had older packs, bought 6 packs, got 4 hits, crazy - 3 rookie jerseys and one Elway jersey - was worth the $1.59 each!