requested my AU back from COMC


Transactions: 1
not getting any movement there really, so bit the bullet and getting them shipped back...

well most of them, keeping some junk ones there, but getting a good bit of SPA, Contenders, and Chrome, stuff that moves fairly decent in ebay stores...thats the plan anyway...see what i can do with it...

still have a boatload of cards there, but things have been quiet slow the last 2 months and auto sales are few and far between for me...
Slow as in I have only sold 23% of my inventory but consistently selling $200+ every month.

Definitely understand why you are moving it though.
$75 for the barber spa is steep....I'm love to say it, he doesn't sell like he use too....I like to call it the boller effect lol
im at like $50 with most cards selling in the $0.24-$0.75 range

when i have autos up for under $2 and get offers of 50% every time, ill try moving them on eBay
Do you guys have mostly autos and jerseys on there? I'd like to send a bunch of numbered inserts and rookies but I really don't have much left when it comes to autos and jerseys that I don't want to keep.