Reports: Solo, Stevens married Tuesday night


SCF Sports News

U.S. women's soccer team goalkeeper Hope Solo and former NFL tight end Jerramy Stevens were married Tuesday, according to reports, after an altercation that left Stevens in jail and their wedding plans up in the air.

The more I read about her the more I'm starting to think this girl has taken too many soccer balls to the head playing goal. Why would someone of her popular status want to marry a two-bit loser like Stevens?
I read a news story yesterday that the cops were called to their Seattle house and arrested Stevens for domestic violence and the judge let him go dismissing the charges. Apparently there was a fight over where they were going to live, Seattle or Florida. The story said that everyone at the house was pretty well half in the bag drunk and that her brother called the cops. When johnny law got there she was telling her brother to keep his mouth shut.
I read a news story yesterday that the cops were called to their Seattle house and arrested Stevens for domestic violence and the judge let him go dismissing the charges. Apparently there was a fight over where they were going to live, Seattle or Florida. The story said that everyone at the house was pretty well half in the bag drunk and that her brother called the cops. When johnny law got there she was telling her brother to keep his mouth shut.

I read a similiar story, as well. She has so many positive things going for her I just don't understand why she'd want to be with a criminal like this. This guy has a not so good past, why settle for someone like that when you are on top of the world?

Jerramy Stevens, the former NFL star and accused rapist, was arraigned in court today charged an with assault that involves his purported fiancee Hope Solo, the Olympic soccer hero. The two have been dating for an unknown period of time and were rumored to be getting married today, November 13, which is Stevens' birthday.

Seattle PI reports that Hope's brother, Marcus, used a stun-gun on a group of people who were not welcome at party the couple were having. According to the police report, Stevens was arrested after the melee. The police were called by Marcus Solo, Hope's 36-year-old brother; he was also questioned by cops.

According to AP, the police arrived at the house at 3:45 a.m. Reportedly, Hope Solo was not co-operative with police, telling her brother "not to say anything". She reportedly "had blood on her elbow" when she emerged from her luxury house in posh Kirkland, Washington State.

The men who got stun-gunned by Marcus Solo had left the vicinity by the time police arrived. Though a search of the home found eight intoxicated people and a woman with a hip injury as a result of the scuffle. When the upstairs of the house was searched, police found the 6-foot-7 Stevens asleep on the floor of an upstairs bedroom.

Stevens denied that he was hiding and said he was sleeping. He claimed not to have heard the altercation that took place downstairs, though he had blood on his shirt and cheek. Stevens said that the blood might have gotten on his cheek when he was kissed by Solo but had no answer for the blood on his shirt.

Reports indicate Solo and Stevens were arguing about where they would live after their marriage — Florida or Washington. The displacement of items in the room suggested a fight had taken place, according to police. Stevens admitted the argument and was taken in by police, according to law-enforcement protocol.

Solo's attorney, Peter Offenbacher, has said that the U.S. goalkeeper was not assaulted by her fiance.

Stevens is no stranger to the inside of court room, though it's been a quiet 18 months for the former Seahawks tight end and college football standout at University of Washington. His last arrest came March 2011 after he was alleged to have punched two bouncers in a Tampa bar. Prior to that he had been cut from pro football in Tampa after an arrest for ********* position and intent.
Todd Maybrown, lawyer for Stevens, stated Tuesday that his client's sketchy past should not be a factor in the fourth degree assault case.
Need to watch the Celeberty on u-tube again
Lyrics go something like thid

When your a celeberty
its audios reality
People think its cool
when you act like a fool