Football Redemptions-Your Thoughts


Bench Warmer
Well today I rec'd my compensation for a Contenders Redemption of 2006 Playoff Contenders Award Winning Signatures Card Number: 41
John Huarte - Notre Dame
John Lattner - Notre Dame
John Lujack - Notre Dame
Paul Hornung - Notre Dame
Quad Auto.
I rec'd a Steven Jackson #'d to 25 auto and Mike bell Contenders Auto. I guess my question to everyone one is what are your feelings on Redemptions? Would you go as far as boycotting a product because of it? Last year I I pulled a McNabb auto Redem from SPA after 9 months I asked for a replacement and got a few auto's then 2 weeks latter they sent the McNabb...does that usually happen?
I hate redemptions. I wouldn't boycott a certain set because of them, but when a company has a horrible redemption process *cough*Upper Deck*cough* then i tend to stay away fromn their products unless i really need a card from that set.
Thx for Posting Hockey! See I have only pulled 2 redemptions with the last being the biggest. I just wish they could plan there cards a year ahead for HOF'ers and Stars that are in the league already you know?
We pay really good money for a product and we should get nothing less. Oh well thats my 2 cents.
I completely agree, companies should send out the auot cards in the sets sooner, but that would mean they would have to plan out theirs sets sooner than usual, and probably be to much work for them.
I don't like redemptions.

I had 2 Mike Williams SPx Auto RC Jersey redemptions that I had nearly $300 into.

I redeemded them using Upper Decks Online process.

16 months later.....

I called and asked for replacements. The guy told me that if I was willing to wait another 3 weeks or so that the Mike Williams would be sent out. I told him that I would just rather get replacements because I was tired of waiting.

He told me to name 5 players.....Barry Sanders, Tomlinson, Peyton Manning, Michael Vick, Brett Favre.

He said that if it were up to him he would assure me that I would receive 2 of the players I named....but then he said "but its not up to me....:p " LOL

Anyways, I ended up receiving the 2 Mike Williams cards a few weeks later. I thought "oh well, at least I finally have my cards and he isn't even on the Lions anymore"

I didn't think anything of it until a few weeks ago I received a hand written card that said "we are sorry about the delays with your replacements. Please accept this gift as compensation for the delay".

It was a Crosby/Ovechkin RC Showdown "Motion" type card. Not bad.

I wonder if that was an error or if I still will receive a replacement? If I do I won't complain. It is the least Upper Deck could do for such a horrible redemption process. *you should never sell an item that you don't have*

Thank you,
Stang81 said:
I don't like redemptions.

I had 2 Mike Williams SPx Auto RC Jersey redemptions that I had nearly $300 into.

I redeemded them using Upper Decks Online process.

16 months later.....

I called and asked for replacements. The guy told me that if I was willing to wait another 3 weeks or so that the Mike Williams would be sent out. I told him that I would just rather get replacements because I was tired of waiting.

He told me to name 5 players.....Barry Sanders, Tomlinson, Peyton Manning, Michael Vick, Brett Favre.

He said that if it were up to him he would assure me that I would receive 2 of the players I named....but then he said "but its not up to me....:p " LOL

Anyways, I ended up receiving the 2 Mike Williams cards a few weeks later. I thought "oh well, at least I finally have my cards and he isn't even on the Lions anymore"

I didn't think anything of it until a few weeks ago I received a hand written card that said "we are sorry about the delays with your replacements. Please accept this gift as compensation for the delay".

It was a Crosby/Ovechkin RC Showdown "Motion" type card. Not bad.

I wonder if that was an error or if I still will receive a replacement? If I do I won't complain. It is the least Upper Deck could do for such a horrible redemption process. *you should never sell an item that you don't have*

Thank you,
Hi Stang thx for posting your story! My UD SPA was very similair to yours. They asked what players I liked then when I told them they asked my favorite team needless to say I got a Ron Dayne Auto (who wasn't a Giant when they sent it out) and a Phil Simms auto and some base cards.
Like I said above they did send the McNabb 3 weeks later but I don't know if it was due to a glitch or a customer service oops.
I wonder if the same will happen with my Playoff Contenders Quad Auto.
I hate redemptions you would think as much money as these card companies make they wouldnt have a problem with guys signing...Not....and alot of time you dont ven get the player you sent in to get !!!
love them and hate them- they allow the product to come out faster, but can bite u on the butt on the backend
Been since Dec 06 on my Griffey Jr SPA Letterman Auto. Had to wait almost a year for my GOLD Kobe auto. When you call on the Higher end items, they seem to want to try to keep you with those cards rather than swap them. I WILL admit that when they do swap cards, it's usually higher BV. But if you liked the ND players you got hosed. But I have had redemptions that I have received in as little as a month so who knows. I've got a Pujols from UD Premier I just sent in, so we'll see if they're any faster on this year's product.
Willage said:
Been since Dec 06 on my Griffey Jr SPA Letterman Auto. Had to wait almost a year for my GOLD Kobe auto. When you call on the Higher end items, they seem to want to try to keep you with those cards rather than swap them. I WILL admit that when they do swap cards, it's usually higher BV. But if you liked the ND players you got hosed. But I have had redemptions that I have received in as little as a month so who knows. I've got a Pujols from UD Premier I just sent in, so we'll see if they're any faster on this year's product.
Dang Willage, sounds like you have the worst story so far...that really stinks. They should send you compensation along with your card if it takes over the worst case scenario by the card company...usually they quote something like 4-6 months...a year is just too long.