Football R.I.P. Darrent Williams


Bench Warmer
:( :( :( :( :( Broncos corner, Darrent Williams was killed by a drunk driver last night. this is a real blow to the Broncos, get elimanated from the playoff race and lose a player! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
A terrible tradgedy that should have never happened. My familys prayers our with his familys. Every New Years Eve/Day will be a horrible time for his family. A silly tradgedy that should have never happened.
Yeah ppl trying to make a buck off some other persons misfortune, truly sad as a human race. Someone said they hate alcohol because of drunk drivers . I think there's nothing wrong with the alcohol , The problem I see its too easy to drive drunk . What the govt/car companys need to add is the breath things you need to breath into to start a car in every car . They cost like 1100 . I really believe that could cut drunk driving death /accidents by atleast 50 % if not more.
I am kinda thinking that the ppl who did this did it b/c we didnt make the playoffs which is more sad. Because Denver fans our very passionate about our football, just look at videos of the streets after our 2 straight Super Bowl wins