Football QB Culpepper Escorted Off Practice Field


Bench Warmer
Here we go again...actually he wants out of Miami anyways

QB Culpepper Escorted Off Practice Field
Greg Badard, Palm Beach Post -

QB Daunte Culpepper took the practice field this morning, but was escorted off the field at 11:38, by the team's director of security. Dolphins HC Cam Cameron wouldn't discuss the matter. "Right now I have no comment because there are things that we are currently working on," Cameron said. "Things that if I made a comment, it could put those things in jeopardy. So for right now, I have no comment." It is not known if the team has granted his wish to be released, or whether he has been traded.
the way the press stated it is sounded like he was "escorted" off like in a BAD way like he had done something wrong these guys have security escort them off all the time

still they are better off with Green at QB
Culpepper is a bum..he should be escorted out of the league and into the CFL. Him and Ricky and win a CFL title..maybe..they'd probably get hurt and then get high.
I think the Dolphins put themselves in a lose lose situation after they passed on Quinn. You had Dante who obviously has some issues with the team and now have a trent green who is 34ish and should be considered a back up at this point in his carreer. Dolphins are going in the wrong direction (imho) and it's too bad for all the stand up guys like Zack Thomas and Jason Taylor.

Go Giants!
what Culpepper is going to the packers and after this year he will take over the team wow j/k But I think He will go to the packers
Pasttimesports said:
Culpepper is a bum..he should be escorted out of the league and into the CFL. Him and Ricky and win a CFL title..maybe..they'd probably get hurt and then get high.

Culpepper doesnt smoke weed
i think green is better than culpepper, witch is why culpepper proably will goto the CFL, i just read this "The Winnipeg Blue Bombers have added quarterback Daunte Culpepper to their negotiation list, according to local reports" on the website.