Baseball pwolantern's Low Budget Baseball Break - March

I have picked up the Royals at regular price, and the Brewers & Phillies at the discounted price to reach our $$$ goal
The boxes should be here tomorrow, so we are looking at 8pm EST tomorrow night
I am planning on having the break on blogTV (I think this is the last day before it changes), but any future breaks will be moved to ustream unless a better site can be found
Batman1641 has picked up the Blue Jays and Giants at the discounted rate for this month, that money will be added to next months budget
Going live now, click on my blogTV link to the left to go to the show page
Thanks everyone for the break, pulled a few nice cards and even one that I am sure will be the April Card of the Month. I will try to get all the packages mailed out on Monday.
Here are the results of the random hits...

Ichiro GU'ed - captkirk42

Gordon Beckham GU'ed Hat - pwolantern

Bud Harrelson Auto - Batman1641

Al Oliver Auto - pwolantern

Joel Hanrahan GU'ed - Mike

Zack MacPhee Auto - Batman1641