Baseball pwolantern's Low Budget Baseball Break - April

I will also pick up Atlanta and Seattle.

They are yours and I will pick up one more team so that we can get a real nice pack, I will figure out later who I will be picking up

Also, we are looking at 8:30pm EST Wednesday night for the break
To cover the rest of the cost for the "Mystery Pack" I am taking the Red Sox and Giants
"Mystery Pack" is in hand, and the boxes should arrive in a couple hours. Who will be joining us to watch the break tonight?
Going live in about 15 minutes, just click on the Vaughlive link to the left to join us
Thanks again to everyone for helping make this break happen, randoms will be done tomorrow and scans will be up in the next day or two.
I agree with both of you, I would love to have more people and a bigger budget to deal with. If anyone has any ideas how to help make this happen without raising the price of the teams then please let me know. I was thinking about giving away a free team next month like Mike did for the football break as long as the rest of the group is okay with it.