Apr 19, 2015 #17 pwolantern TCZ's #1 Manningham collector Transactions 40 5.00 star(s) Chris Blume has added the Pirates and Royals at the discount rate
Apr 19, 2015 #18 franklinguy52 Mr. Baseball Transactions 260 5.00 star(s) I will pick up the White Sox and the Mets at the discount rate
Apr 19, 2015 #20 PAVI39 MVP Transactions 297 5.00 star(s) Back with Braves - add Brewers at discount. Vote for option 1
Apr 23, 2015 #23 pwolantern TCZ's #1 Manningham collector Transactions 40 5.00 star(s) Looks like we will be doing option #1, I'll have the team list updated in the morning.
Apr 25, 2015 #24 pwolantern TCZ's #1 Manningham collector Transactions 40 5.00 star(s) Team list is updated, and I have picked up the Padres and the Rangers at the discount rate
Apr 26, 2015 #25 pwolantern TCZ's #1 Manningham collector Transactions 40 5.00 star(s) Chris Blume has just added the A's
May 1, 2015 #27 captkirk42 Old School Vintage Transactions 54 5.00 star(s) Will take Twins at discount. Payment sent.
May 3, 2015 #29 Indiana Jones Old stuff Transactions: 4 For next break I would like the Mets and Marlins as owned teams as they are drafted(unowned) teams in this one. Thanks.
For next break I would like the Mets and Marlins as owned teams as they are drafted(unowned) teams in this one. Thanks.
May 5, 2015 #30 pwolantern TCZ's #1 Manningham collector Transactions 40 5.00 star(s) Just waiting on a few more payments, hoping to order the boxes by Wednesday