Player/Team Collector Feature

Ground Support

Bench Warmer
This is just a copy. Original is still a sticky.

I noticed a member said the links didn't work so I checked them out for myself and didn't work for me either.

What to do?

Fix the link or scrap this feature altogether?

Don't like useless stickys as they can irritate members by wasting their time etc
Edit: Hands, if you have the time, do you think you could rebuild that feature? unstick the original one and create a new one. Use your best judgement as to how to build that feature. I think that it may be something people might use if they were made aware of that. Please submit a draft here for me to look over before posting it in the forums .........thanks!
Nothing fancy here as most sites seem to have something similar
Each sport section to have their own sticky.

BIRD, Larry Admin :D
JOHNSON, Magic Hands
JORDAN, Michael BSC, Hands, Admin

The key for this feature to succeed is by getting members to participate.

I would like all mods to be active in pointing members to this feature if they are trying to trade something like a Larry Bird auto.

I could point new members to this feature when I welcome them to the site?
Thanks Bryan :)

Bosses - shall I make a start on the BKB side?
Will ask members to tell us who they collect in a thread.
Have made a start on this...

Baby steps lol

If any of the other sports section wanna collaborate with me on this just LMK :)