Football PIT - Fans fed up with QB Ben Roethlisberger


Bench Warmer
Fans all over the country will let Roethlisberger know how they feel when he's on the sidelines during games could get ugly :starwars:

Source: AP

The Associated Press reports quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has worn out his welcome in Pittsburgh. The good will generated by those NFL titles, capped by his memorable last-minute touchdown pass to Santonio Holmes in the Super Bowl 15 months ago, is all gone. It's been lost in Roethlisberger's night of tearing through a Georgia university town wearing a devil T-shirt, ending with an underage university student accusing him of sexual assault in a nightclub bathroom. The case won't be prosecuted, but the quarterback's latest episode of bad behavior has destroyed his reputation in Pittsburgh and beyond, and shamed his team and its highly regarded owners. And the twist is that while Pittsburgh can't stand him the Steelers can't cut him. At least not soon, given the $50 million the team has spent on Roethlisberger's salary and signing bonuses since 2008.

Fans in Pittsburgh fed up with Big Ben, but Steelers stuck with QB -
Comes back and wins, no biggie. He was never found guilty of anything...

Will Dbowe and his boys be joining Ben in his mental stability testing since they obviously have issue on that team?
Big Ben Supporter in Da House!
I knows hes screwed up, but just like what was said. he wasnt convicted and as a Steelers fan i stand behind my QB. Am i upset, YES! But hes human and i am a true fan in every way.