need the chris perry foundations patch/auto/ 25...also check my bucket...a few have been traded
2004 absolute mem devard darling bal white/fb 735/750 205
2004 absolute mem tatum bell den blue/fb/auto 599/750 215
2004 sp authentic darius watts den blue/orange/white 503/799 191
2005 leaf limited j j arrington ari red/white auto16/25 213
2005 leaf limited vernand morency red/white 6/100 228
2005 sp authentic stefan lefors car blue 538/899 223
2002 leaf rookies and stars freshmen orientation josh reed buf white/red/blue 124/650
2003 sp authentic artose pinner det black/white/blue 565/850 247
2004 hot prospects devard darling bal white/purple 26/50
2004 leaf rookies and stars longevity luke mccown cle white/brown 5/10 262
2004 leaf rookies and stars longevity luke mccown cle white/brown 89/99 262
2004 press pass se jermaine green washington state white/grey/red 142/700
2004 sage philip rivers nc state/sd black/red 8/10 bv $80
2005 ab mem rpm spectrum braylon edwards cle lace/fb/white/brown 62/75
2005 ab mem rpm spectrum j j arrington ari white lace/fb/red/white 48/75
2005 grid gear matt jones jag black/gold/teal/white 83/100
2005 exquisite charlie frye cle orange/brown/white 10/35 ep-cf
2005 leaf r and s longevity blue j j arrington ari red/white 5/75
2005 leaf r and s longevity green vernand morency hou white/red/blue 13/25
2005 reflections stefan lefors car white/blue/black 9/30
2005 reflections fabric reflections lee suggs cle white/brown/orange
2005 sage david greene georgia/fred gibson georgia white/black and red 84/99
2006 ab mem spectrum travis wilson cle brown/fb/white/brown 60/100 279
2006 donruss gridiron gear gems single jason avant phi green/black/grey/white 16/50
2006 donruss gridiron gear gems jumbo jason avant phi white/grey/black/green 116/150
2006 exquisite maximum rudi johnson cin white/orange 17/30 emp-rj
2006 leaf r and s dress for success demetrius williams helmet bal black/gold 61/110
2006 prestige gridiron heritage darrell jackson sea white/blue 20/50
2006 press pass se martin nance miami oh red/black
2007 leaf r and s crusade gaines adams tam red/orange/black 18/25
2009 prestige prestigious pros eli manning nyg white/red 20/25
1995 signature rookies international franchise duo rob johnson usc/stoney case new mexico johnson signed 92/309
1996 pro line scott slutzker iowa
coll edge advantage d'wayne bates northwestern 154
coll edge triumph tim couch cle
playoff contenders sean bennett northwestern/nyg 147
skybox d'wayne bates northwestern
ud encore tim couch cle
coll edge odyssey chris redman bal 372/475
coll edge t3 chris redman bal 52/470
play contenders joe hamilton tam
score jr redmond arizona sun devils/ne
ud ionix olandis gary den 159/300
bowmans best dan morgan car
press pass jamal reynolds fla state/gb
press pass se chris chambers wisconsin/mia
sage will allen syracuse/nyg 198/999
sage hit die cut chris chambers wisconsin 61/250
bowmans best jason mcaddley 138
play contenders kahlil hill iowa/atl 212/850
play contenders luke staley det 351/360
play contenders randy mcmichael mia 226/400
playoff honors damien anderson ari 44/100
play prime signatures josh scobey ari 138/145
press pass damien anderson northwestern
press pass je david garrard east carolina/jac
sage hit deshaun foster ucla/car 26
sage hit ladell betts iowa/was
sp authentic damien anderson ari 441/1150 192
bowmans best juston wood min
playoff contenders johnathan sullivan saints NO AUTO stamped on front 429/924 120
play honors prime sigs dewayne white tam 51/300 52
sage hit kyle boller 184/250
sweet spot kyle boller bal 105/250
ud pros and prospects brad banks iowa and aaron brooks no 30/50 both autos
ud pros and prospects sammy baugh/kliff kingsbury texas tech auto 1645/2000 131
ud pros and prospects ken dorsey miami and vinny testaverde nyj dorsey auto 773/2000
bowman chrome bj symons hou 234
finest luke mccown cle 78/999
finest refractor michael jenkins atl 175/199 122
leaf certified:
bradlee van pelt den 503/1000 blue ink
playoff contenders:
dunta robinson hou 130
jared lorenzen nyg 136
jason babin hou 138
luke mccown cle 153
playoff prime signatures symons/babin hou 66/199
press pass devard darling wa state/bal 82/100
press pass jared lorenzen kentucky/nyg 34/50
sweet spot gold luke mccown cle 26/100
sweet spot bj symons hou 17/699
topps pristine:
devery henderon no x2
topps signature michael jenkins atl 747/1499 89
topps signature luke mccown cle 320/1499 encased
ud prosigs kenechi udeze usc/min
finest auto xfractor antrel rolle ari 13/199
play contenders t a mclendon nc state/atl 173 x2
play contenders luis castillo sd 189
press pass luis castillo northwestern
press pass derek anderson oregon state/cle 116/200
sage dan orlovsky connecticut/det 598/650
sage j j arrington california/ari 193/300
sage dante ridgeway ball state 11/50
sage hit silver jj arrington california/ari
sage hit blue jj arrington california/ari
sage hit silver charlie frye akron/cle
topps pristine derek anderson bal/cle 344/1500 rough corners
ud foundations signature foundations carlos rogers was
ud rookie debut ink:
terrence murphy texas a & m
taylor stubblefield purdue
ta mclendon nc state
craphonso thorpe florida state
charles frederick washington
james butler georgia tech
ciatrick fason florida
aspire joseph addai lsu/ind
aspire century club mike haas ore state/no 26/100 17
don grid gear owen daniels hou 12/81 181
finest green refractor jerious norwood atl 33/199 182
finest refractor wali lundy hou 67/399 180
leaf rookies and stars longevity dawan landry bal 7/50 229
play contenders:
chris hannon tennessee/kc
press pass barry cofield northwestern
press pass legends mike haas ore state/no
press pass legends charlie whitehurst clemson/sd
press pass legends all conference d'brickshaw ferguson 102/340 virginia
press pass legends all conference derek hagan arizona state/mia 76/365
sage hit design of success will blackmon boston college 6/100 49
sweet spot signatures not numbered:
donte whitner buf
deshaun foster car
gold /100 bruce gradowski tb
topps chrome mercedes lewis jac 237
tddp classmarks omar jacobs bowling green/pit
ultimate collection mike hass no 243/275 246
ultimate collection d'brickashaw ferguson nyj 204/275 248
ud rookie debut tye hill stl
artifacts terrell suggs bal
artifacts mewelde moore min
artifacts devery henderson no
aspire zach miller arizona state/oak
bowman signs of the future:
matt moore car (dal uni)
bowman chrome gary russell pit
bowman chrome steve smith nyg
bowman chrome joe thomas cle
bowman chrome blue refractor kenneth darby tam 7/75
bowman sterling chansi stuckey nyj 273/1800
grid gems nfl teams yamon figurs bal 28/30
finest kolby smith kc 125
finest chris henry ten 122
play contenders scott chandler iowa/sd
buster davis fl state/sd
matt moore oregon state/car
press pass legends michael bush louisville/oak
john beck byu/mia 257/400
johnnie lee higgins utep/oak 90/200
kolby smith louisville/kc 109/250
david ball playmakers new hampshire/chi 96/100
spx darrelle revis pitt/nyj 79/99 167
spx laron landry lsu/was 331/499 181
spx endorsements amobi okoye louisville/hou
sp authentic:
john broussard jac 92/999 241
tddp classmarks steve breaston michigan/ari
topps chrome:
john beck miami bv 40
tyler palko no
topps co-signers
craig davis sd
jacoby jones hou/yamon figurs bal
ultra quentin moses georgia/oak 94/199 jersey number!
ultra kolby smith louisville/kc 61/199 247
ultra signature class hb blades pitt/was 44/150
ud signature sensations isaiah stanback was state/dal
ud premier matt moore oregon state/car 130/225
bow sterling refractor vernon gholston osu/nyj 5/50
finest john carlson sea
leaf r and s:
pat sims cin 418/450
playoff prestige:
josh johnson san diego/tam 81/250 156
erik ainge tennessee/nyg 60/100 137
sam keller nebraska 69/250 191
will franklin missouri/kc 67/250 199
press pass
rafael little kentucky
fred davis usc 58/99
j leman illinois 4/50
press pass legends tashard choice gt/dal 96/400
press pass se
desean jackson cal/phi
allen patrick oklahoma black ink
paul smith tulsa/jac
derrick harvey florida/jac 50/400
james hardy indiana/buf 141/200
chad henne michigan/mia 283/400
sage hit
beau bell unlv
danny woodhead chadron state
mike jenkins south florida
paul raymond brown
kevin o'connell san diego state/ne
darius reynaud wv -silver version
chad henne michigan/mia 191/250
score select
paul smith jac 26/750
darrell strong oak 244/750
aqib talib tb 326/500
kenny phillips nyg 136/375
fred davis was 150/375
sp auth anthony morelli ari 85/1199
spx alex brink hou 236/399
stadium club marcus smith bal 171
topps chrome anthony morelli ari
topps chrome dexter jackson tb
topps rookie progression: all start with pss
ernie sims det
mario manningham michigan
tashard choice gt/dal
chris long virginia/stl
kevin smith ucf/det
dennis dixon oregon/pit
mario urrutia louisville/cin
mike hart michigan/ind
kevin smith ucf/det
ud heroes derrick harvey florida/jac 134/350
ud heroes jake long michigan/mia 187/250
ud icons calais campbell ari 36/135
ud icons quentin groves jac 100/155
ud premier emerging stars dual calais campbell ari/bruce davis pit 4/100
ud sp allen patrick bal 153
ud sp andre woodson nyg 154
aspire bret locket ucla
bowman base auto sammie stroughter oregon state 206
bowman college letter patch kory sheets purdue "E" 8/175
prestige brooks foster nc/stl 248/499
press pass
jared cook south carolina 121/199
brandon gibson washington state
dj moore vanderbilt
brandon tate north carolina
mohamed massaquoi georgia
james casey rice
press pass se:
jared cook south carolina 71/150
alphonso smith wake forest
gartrell johnson colorado state
javon ringer michigan state
jeremy childs boise state
sage hit
jeremiah johnson oregon 139/250
eben britton arizona
walt mendenhall illinois state
mike mickens cincinnati
jason smith baylor
louis murphy florida
scott mckillop pit
chase clement rice
deandre levy wisconsin
cullen harper clemson
ryan palmer texas 114/250
brian hoyer michigan state
mike reilly central washington
johnny knox abilene christian
marlon lucky nebraska
ud draft:
ryan purvis boston college
maurice crum jr notre dame
ian campbell kansas state
ab mem rpm drew brees sd fb 731/850 152
atomic laveranues coles nyj green
hot prospects postmarks rudi johnson cin black 1336/1975
hot prospects postmarks michael vick atl black 1653/1775
leaf r and s dress for success marvin harrison ind white and blue
pacific invincible drew brees purdue/no 155/250 white
ud mvp campus classics deuce mcallister ole miss/no dark blue
ud mvp campus classics cade mcnown ucla white
ud mvp campus classics freddie mitchell ucla blue
bowman fabric of the future travis stephens tennessee/tam red
fleer premium joey harrington det blue 16/50
leaf certified david garrard jac teal 212/800 115
leaf certified david carr hou black helmet 58/100 104
leaf rookies and stars freshmen orientation david garrard jac teal 189/650 2
leaf rookies and stars freshmen orientation david carr hou blue 620/650 fo12
private stock hobby ball andre davis vt tech/cle fb 70/88 111
private stock hobby ball brian poli-dixon ucla fb 68/82 135
sage patrick ramsey tulane/was 21/50 9
titanium david garrard jac with brunell jac teal 467/500 133
topps pristine rookie premiere david garrard jac teal
ud honor roll david garrard jac with josh mccown ari red and white dual jsys
fleer platinum alma materials justin fargas usc/oak red
hot prospects future swatches carson palmer cin black 171/750 97
hot prospects andre johnson hou blue 170/750 101
leaf certified mirror blue anquan boldin ari red jsy/white shoe/fb 6/50
leaf rookies and stars pinner/andre johnson det/hou blue/dark blue 28/400
leaf rookies and stars freshmen orientation byron leftwich jac teal 394/600 2
play honors jsy tandems leftwich jac/dallas clark ind teal/blue jt2
play honors jsy quad andre johnson/ragone hou and brown/calico ten all blue 125/250 jq-3
sage hit kyle boller california/bal white
sage hit lee suggs virginia tech red
skybox le history of the draft randy moss min purple 80/98 hd-rm
sweet spot classic numbers kyle boller number 8 72/100
topps all american julian battle tennessee red
tddp collegiate cuts foil dallas clark iowa/ind white
topps pristine rookie premiere:
byron leftwich jac x2, solid teal and teal with holes
andre johnson hou black
ultra head of the class carson palmer usc/cin 138/1500 white
ud pros and prospects terrell suggs bal and wendell bryant ari red and white 14/75
leer platinum plat memorabilia chad pennington nyj green and white 41/50
fleer trad throwback eli manning nyg helmet tt-em
leaf certified philip rivers sd 90/1250 blue
leaf certified michael clayton tam red 1169/1250 232
leaf rookies and stars larry fitzgerald ari white 97/299 251??
leaf rookies and stars freshman orientation matt schaub atl red 342/500
press pass se bernard berrian fresno state/chi 249/500
sage tatum bell oklahoma state/den white 48/75
sage hit reggie williams washington/jac purple
sage update ben roethlisberger miami oh/pit white 207/250
skybox le terrell owens sf red 31/75
skybox le anquan boldin ari white 206/250
topps pristine:
larry fitzgerald ari white
julius jones blue dal
matt schaub atl white
topps pristine refractor devard darling bal purple 4/25
ultra gridiron producers matt hasselbeck sea blue
ud rookie futures:
philip rivers sd blue
ud reflections focus on the future:
philip rivers sd blue
steven jackson stl white
ud foundations:
jp losman buf 486/1299 225
bowman draft day selections ronnie brown mia dolphin blue dj-rb
bowman throwback threads frank gore sf white
bowmans best double coverage fason min/arrington ari yellow/red 21/50
donruss throwback threads player timelines anquan boldin ari fsu red and ari red 41/250
exquisite super jersey silver stefan lefors black 2/50 sj-sf
leaf certified certified potential eli manning nyg white 65/75
leaf rookies and stars matt jones jac white jsy 220/750 268
play honors alma materials mike singletary baylor/chi green
reflections cut from the same cloth braylon edwards cle/roy williams det 2 white jsys
reflections super swatch lefors car jumbo black 19/40
sage hit alex smith utah/sf white
sage hit mark clayton oklahoma/bal red
sage hit ciatrick fason florida/min blue
sp authentic double fabrics antrel rolle white/fb 68/75
ultimate collection rookie jersey braylon edwards cle white 87/99
ud legends future legends terrence murphy gb green
ud rookie debut saturday swatches:
derek anderson oregon state/cle blue *LIMITED* x2
ab mem rpm laurence maroney ne blue/fb/white 379/849
ab mem rpm mario williams hou blue/fb/white 44/849
ab mem tools of the trade curtis martin nyj jumbo white 28/50 jsy number!!
bowman draft day hat reggie bush no white
bowman rookie rewind sinorice moss nyg white
donruss gridiron gear gems:
charlie whitehurst sd blue 45/50 204
demtrius williams bal white and purple 20/50
mario williams hou white and blue 38/50?
donruss threads rookie collection matt leinart ari red 3/500 11
flair showcase stitches matt leinart ari red
leaf certified mario williams hou blue 151/1400 205
leaf certified matt leinart ari red jsy/fb 114/150 211 cracking alongside jsy
sage game exclusives reggie bush no black oversized card 1 of 3
sage hit jason avant michigan/phi dark blue
spx winning materials norwood atl black
ud game jersey terrell owens phi green
ab mem rpm drew stanton det blue/fb/white 19/849 266
ab mem rookie jersey coll johnnie lee higgins oak white
larry johnson kc white 70/325
chad johnson cin white 122/325
bowman sterling all-pro refractor steven jackson stl red 193/199
don elite college ties benson/selvin young texas orange 64/120
don elite zoning commission tony romo dal white 26/150
don threads john beck mia teal 447/500
don threads troy smith and yamon figurs bal dual purple 163/500
don threads edgerrin james ari white 156/250
leaf rookies and stars jumbo john beck mia white 19/25 216
prestige prestigious pros antonio gates sd white 30
press pass se kevin kolb houston/phi white
sage hit pro swatch reggie bush no black rbp DAMAGED AT THE CREASE
sp rookie threads brady quinn cle dual brown 106/225
spx freshman tandems leonard stl and hunt phi blue and white
sweet spot swatch sidney rice min purple
ultra ultra dual materials chad pennington nyj green and white 84/199
ud rookie jersey:
steve smith nyg blue
michael bush oak white
ab mem rookie jsy collection kevin o'connell ne blue
ab mem rookie jsy collection jordy nelson gb white
ab mem war room malcolm kelly was red 15/250
earl bennett chi black
devin thomas was red
eddie royal den blue
bowman sterling refractor ray rice bal 149/199
donruss classics james hardy buf blue 113/500
don threads marshawn lynch buf blue 204/250 102
don threads jamaal charles/glenn dorsey kc both red 275/500
leaf certified fotg donnie avery rams #17 in blue jerseys 13/17
leaf limited matching numbers fred taylor jac/adrian peterson min teal and purple 11/100
leaf limited rookie jsy ray rice bal purple 41/50
leaf r and s freshman orientation kevin o'connell ne blue 158/250
leaf r and s freshman orientation dexter jackson tam red 92/250
leaf r and s jumbo college jersey brian brohm louisville/gb red 8/10
leaf r and s longevity:
dustin keller jumbo green 37/50 217
trent edwards buf blue 75/100
press pass se chauncey washington usc red
press pass se darren mcfadden arkansas white 8/199
topps performance highlights devin hester chi white
topps rookie progression:
ladainian tomlinson sd white 228/249
chad henne michigan/mia blue 7/249 jsy number!!
donnie avery houston/stl white 125/299
jacob hester lsu/sd 103/189
ud team colors marshawn lynch buf blue
ud icons future star kevin o'connell ne blue
ud masterpieces james hardy buf blue
ud masterpieces greg olsen chi black
prestige rookie review joe flacco bal purple
prestige rookie review devin thomas was red
prestige prestigious picks mark sanchez usc/nyj white 116/250
prestige prestigious pros anthony gonzalez ind blue 244/250
prestige prestigious pros tj houshmandzadeh cin white 67/100
press pass se:
quan cosby texas white with stitching 34/299