Perfect: Culpepper a Raider


And when he is sacked more than both of your guys last year, and is out injured by week 6, Russell not signed yet....:lollol::lollol::lollol::lollol:

Too bad the Seahawks only get to play them in pre-season. :doh:
I see this as a good move for the Raiders. When Russell gets into camp, he'll have someone really push him and challenge him for the starting job. And, he'll have a veteran to possibly learn under. Looks like Walter or McCown will be looking for a new job soon;).

Wish I could do this to you
dang Donkey fan :lollol:

BAD move on all fronts , we all knew that no matter what Culpepper was gone from Miami it was just when. If Al Davis had this in mind why trade Moss and pick Russell when he could have had CJ instead to team with Moss ? IMO CJ was the best pick at #1 considering the Radiers have RB's and QB's. Just more proof Al must move on.
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