I am checking if there is interest in football cards from about 1974 to 1981 (plus a few some earlier years, a few some years after). I have unsorted shoeboxes of cards (1000+ cards) from these years which were pack opened by my older brother or 3- to 10-year old me during those years or won from a neighbor kid through "flipping" them against a wall of a Philadelphia row home. They are not in great shape, some are in horrible shape with memories of my sister nibbling on the corners of a few, some are fairly decent in the later years. I would expect dinged corners or creases on most of the older years. Somehow the 1976 Walter Payton (one of a handful of cards not for sale or trade) is in surprisingly better than expected shape.
Anyway, before I start organizing, is anyone interested? Let me know if any particular player, year, team you would be interested in. I do not want to trade for football. I am leaning toward selling reasonably.
Here are a few photos and happy to post some more upon request.

Anyway, before I start organizing, is anyone interested? Let me know if any particular player, year, team you would be interested in. I do not want to trade for football. I am leaning toward selling reasonably.
Here are a few photos and happy to post some more upon request.