Hockey No Price For Calder?


what on earth are they thinking?

i think carey price should've been considered for rookie of the year

23 wins, in part-time duty?
Bryan_Mc said:
what on earth are they thinking?

i think carey price should've been considered for rookie of the year

23 wins, in part-time duty?

I think they take the whole year into consideration, and well he didn't really make a stand till part way through. I agree though, he should be on there. So who wins? Backstrom???
I wouldn't vote for Price...playing half a season was probably what hurt him the most. Same reason Toews probably won't win because he got hurt for such a extended period of time. I want to say Backstrom..but its hard seeing how he's playing with Ovechkin..and Patrick Kane is playing with Oh wait..nobody knows who any of the bums on Chicago are..
lol i agree kane is the choice to make of the three

although backstrom impressed me, playing with AO might hurt him