Hockey NHL cancels first two weeks of regular season

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SCF Sports News

The National Hockey League canceled two weeks' worth of regular-season games Thursday as the lockout dragged on into its xth day with no new labor negotiations scheduled.

Cancel the whole season. Nobody gives a crap! I've rekindled my love for Jr hockey, and will be spending my time, and money following, and watching my hometown Barrie Colts of the OHL. The NHL, and NHLPA have crossed the line this time, and they are gonna be very sorry they screwed with the fans of the game. Just ask the Toronto Blue Jays organization. They played to a full crowds of 50,000 + every night, and since the strike they are lucky to draw 10-12K. The fans have never came back. The NHL, and NHLPA think that hockey fans will, so let's show them how we really feel by not showing up to their arenas, and not buying their merchandise. Then maybe they'll get a clue? Shut the whole league down. I could care less.