Hockey NHL 08/09 Fantasy Hockey!!!!!

league is set up freaks!

please PM me your email addresses and ill send you an invite

league name is SportscardFreaks
Thats not to say its too late to Sign up, 7 spots left! so if you havent already Signed up Do so now!
Shane, and Bryan. I will register Saturday, if not sooner, but please save me a spot. :) Bryan got your message, and will also try to call sometime on the weekend. If I forget call me at home. Gonna be resting a lot the next few days! :eek:
Leafsfan1967 said:
Shane, and Bryan. I will register Saturday, if not sooner, but please save me a spot. :) Bryan got your message, and will also try to call sometime on the weekend. If I forget call me at home. Gonna be resting a lot the next few days! :eek:
I added your name to the List the first day of the thread, your spot is safe eh.
Body Checking this thread to the TOP! Get this league filled. I'll feel better the more of you I crush! Come get you some!