Ty go on the League standings page where all our teams are listed, and in one of the columns will say waiver. You have a number there, and it goes by that. Right now slim99 has the #1, or first priority to pick up a player, so he would get him before anyone else, and so on. Kutzy has 19th priority, because once you get a player, you go to the bottom, and move up one spot everytime someone claims a player. So for example, if you, me, and slim were to try to claim a player he would get him, then move to 19th place, and we would move up one spot for next time. It doesn't matter if you beat him by an hour on the claim. It goes by the time you claim till 24 hours later. If anyone with a lower waiver priority than you claims him within 24 hours after you apply, they bump you out. You still retain your spot for next time.