NFL Pick'em


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)
We try to do this every year here on TCZ, but this year will be a little bit different. This year, instead of using the Yahoo Pigskin Pickem, we're going to use a local one right here at TCZ, which can be found here.

I won't say what the prize will be until at least midway through the season, but I will say that it will likely be a more substantial prize then we've had in the past.

Also, I won't be adding all the games to every week from the start, which means you'll have to keep checking back in order to make your picks. Only weeks 1 and 2 have games added as of now, and all games during a single week may not be added at the same time. This is mainly because I'm going to be adding the games as I have time, but I also figured it'd keep you all on your toes. All the games for each week will be added by Tuesday.


You will get 1 point for each correct pick.
You will get .5 points for a tie.

If there is a tie, in points, at the end of the season the member with the most correct picks will win. If that is still a tie, we'll let the winners decide how the prize will be determined. If they cannot come up with an agreement, it will go to a randomizer.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck everyone!!
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Don't forget to get your picks in. The first week of the season is quickly approaching. Good luck everyone!
Dang, I didn't do worth a crap this week, only getting 50% right. Better step my game up a bit!!
Well, I did a little bit better this week. Still couldn't catch Tim, but at least I'm nipping at his heels! That is until next week is over and I only get 5 games picked right. Haha!

On a side note: games for weeks 4 and 5 have been added.
This week, and next week are up. Also, the scores have been updated to current. We've got a close one going so far! Thanks everyone who is playing, and keep it up!
Games for week 16 and 17 are up. Also, since I'm so late in getting them up this week I intentionally left off tomorrow's game in case someone who is playing didn't notice the games are up before it started.
Well, I finally had a chance to finalize all the scores for the season. With only 6 points separating them, here's how the top 3 looked:

3rd: @joemontana25
2nd: @Mike
1st: @franklinguy52

For those of you interested, this year's prize will be a $100 eBay Gift Certificate!

So, congratulations, Troy! PM me your email address and I'll send you your prize.