New Stuff In And Pick Ups Ft/fs....


Bench Warmer
New Stuff In And Pick Ups Ft/fs...W/SCANS














Looking for all sorts of stuff. More in my gallery. LMK what you're interested in and we'll go from there.
I like the Paplebon autograph. lol, if there is a lot you like I would love the Jim Brown, but Im not going to try real hard for it, b/c Im sure it's way outta my league. let me know what you like for the Paplebon tho.
alright. I have been trying to kinda cross over into baseball but nobody seems to want to cross the other way, lol so it has been really hard to get anything baseball. Thanks anyways tho.
Id say bkb is more active than you think, but baseball has always been cheaper, and easier to get asfar as bv's and variety go (there are about 3-4 brands basketball has never seen before). Not to mention there are tons of different leagues and teams besides the MLB that bring players in. Other than the past few years the NBA has been American only, until they started going overseas, and merged with the NBDL there were only about 30 or teams or so and a limited variety of players. Compaired to 30 or so MLB teams with each of them having about 3-4 minor league teams each atleast.
I disagree. Take a look at this years Bowman Sterling BB, FB and BK values. There's no comparison. Bk is the lower end of the 3. Before MJ, Bird, and Magic, the only really sought after players are Dr. J, Wilt, Russell and maybe Pistol Pete. W/ FB and BB there are dozens of older guys that are easy to move.
Paul, Amare, Kidd, Marion, Nash, Howard, Arenas, JR. Smith, Ming, Iverson, Bryant, Wade, Lebron, Tmac, Jordan, Duncan, Melo, Shaq, Garnett, Pierce, Deng, Gordon, Pistons, Carter, Roy, Morrison, Thomas, Gay, Foye, should I go on? I could put first names too if you want.

Not to mention baseball was created about 100 years or so before basketball. If you wanna argue values or w/e you could say cards like the T-206 Honus Wagner, but asfar as sets go you have sets like Exquiste, and a lot of other great sets that baseball has. At the same time tho the baseball ones are priced lower b/c there is a lot more interest in the basketball. For example ever heard of a guy named Lebron James I bet some of his "lower" priced autographs are worth a lot more than a lot of baseball's big namers or sets, including a lot of old cards. So asfar as baseball is concerned they might have a greater history, but basketball is the new breed, so get used to it.
Willage said:
I disagree. Take a look at this years Bowman Sterling BB, FB and BK values. There's no comparison. Bk is the lower end of the 3. Before MJ, Bird, and Magic, the only really sought after players are Dr. J, Wilt, Russell and maybe Pistol Pete. W/ FB and BB there are dozens of older guys that are easy to move.

You are using one set from one year of cards to make this arguement? Do you know why you can name more older baseball guys that sell well than you can basketball? Lets see baseball has been around much longer and also has more positions meaning more star players. I mean basketball has always had it so there is 5 starters. Lets look at baseball catcher, first, second, third, short, right field, left field, center field, starting pitchers which now is 5 guys, relief pitchers and also you even have the position of dh in the american league. Tell me since you want to use one year was baseball and football hotter than basketball in 2003 in your opinion?

Really what do you consider selling well? Give me a price range and how many basketball guys you think sell in that range and I bet you I will easily pass how many people you say sell in that range
TO ALL YOU BASKETBALL GUYS. With the exception of 2003 name me a year in the last 15 years you would rather invest money into BK than FB or BB. Its the lesser of the 3 in the hobby. I love BK, play pickup 3-4 times a week. BUT when it comes selling and trading BK is last. You guys are concentrating on LeBron and Lebron only. If you look at what I said, I said that older player (before MJ, Magic, Bird etc) there are only a handful of sellable, tradeable BK players. In FB and in BB there are more. Take Sterling out of it. Go into any shop in your area or go to any show in your area. They will stock less BK than BB or FB. Manufacturers make less product for BK than BB or FB. It is what it is. We should take this to the Discussion board.